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Help kids abandoned by father Help kids abandoned by father

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Ebere uche
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I am writing this with a heavy heart, as life has placed me in a position I never imagined I’d be in. My name is Ebere Florence U, and I am a single mother of three precious children. Our lives were shattered when my husband walked away, leaving me to carry the full weight of raising our kids on my own. Since then, every day has been a battle, and I am fighting with everything I have to give them the life they deserve.

The economy in my country is harsh, and the struggle to provide for my children has pushed me to my limits. I work long, exhausting hours doing labor jobs like cleaning, but it’s still not enough. Some nights, I lie awake hungry, haunted by the thought that I can barely keep my children fed. Their innocent faces light up with hope and trust in me, but I often feel like I’m failing them.

Their education—something I value more than anything—has suffered terribly. I want my kids to dream big, to have opportunities I never had, but I can only afford the bare minimum. When they get sick, I have to make heartbreaking decisions, delaying medical care because I simply can’t afford it. Each time, I feel like I’m failing as a mother, and the pain of that is unbearable.

Despite these struggles, I dream of starting a small business to create a stable future for my children. But right now, it feels like an impossible dream because I lack the financial means to make it a reality. With the holiday season here, I’ve been unable to give my kids even the smallest joys. No gifts, no treats, nothing to celebrate—just the weight of survival.

Every day, I tell myself to stay strong for my kids, but the burden is overwhelming. I’m at a breaking point, holding on for them because they are my whole world. They deserve so much more than I can give, and it tears me apart inside.

I am humbly reaching out for help. If there is any way you can assist—financially or in any other way—it would mean everything to me and my children. Your kindness could be the light we so desperately need in this dark time.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story.

I am writing this with a heavy heart, as life has placed me in a position I never imagined I’d be in. My name is Ebere Florence U, and I am a single mother of three precious children. Our lives were shattered when my husband walked away, leaving me to carry the full weight of raising our kids on my own. Since then, every day has been a battle, and I am fighting with everything I have to give them the life they deserve.

The economy in my country is harsh, and the struggle to provide for my children has pushed me to my limits. I work long, exhausting hours doing labor jobs like cleaning, but it’s still not enough. Some nights, I lie awake hungry, haunted by the thought that I can barely keep my children fed. Their innocent faces light up with hope and trust in me, but I often feel like I’m failing them.

Their education—something I value more than anything—has suffered terribly. I want my kids to dream big, to have opportunities I never had, but I can only afford the bare minimum. When they get sick, I have to make heartbreaking decisions, delaying medical care because I simply can’t afford it. Each time, I feel like I’m failing as a mother, and the pain of that is unbearable.

Despite these struggles, I dream of starting a small business to create a stable future for my children. But right now, it feels like an impossible dream because I lack the financial means to make it a reality. With the holiday season here, I’ve been unable to give my kids even the smallest joys. No gifts, no treats, nothing to celebrate—just the weight of survival.

Every day, I tell myself to stay strong for my kids, but the burden is overwhelming. I’m at a breaking point, holding on for them because they are my whole world. They deserve so much more than I can give, and it tears me apart inside.

I am humbly reaching out for help. If there is any way you can assist—financially or in any other way—it would mean everything to me and my children. Your kindness could be the light we so desperately need in this dark time.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story.

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