
Use the largest platform for organizing charity campaigns and fundraising causes - PavelAndreev.ORG

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Articles - How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips
4th December 2022

How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips

Successful fundraising starts with honest, courageous storytelling - and compelling stories turn passive visitors into active givers and sharers. Does...

Articles - How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations
9th December 2022
How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations

Sharing your fundraising campaign on social media is key to getting the word out about your cause. One key way to raise awareness and sharing is through the use of a fundraising hashtag. With a unique hashtag, social media users can easily follow your story and donate when it resonates with them. These four tips can help you create a hashtag that will attract others to your cause and increase donations. Four tips for creating a winning hashtag...

Articles - 4 steps to organise a virtual food collection
11th December 2022
4 steps to organise a virtual food collection

Volunteering at a food drive is one of the most popular ways to donate during the holiday season and help those who are less fortunate. Below, learn how to create a successful virtual food drive to raise money for food banks and nonprofits that help the hungry during this critical time. What is a virtual food drive? Unlike a traditional food drive where you collect canned and dried goods to later donate to a food bank, a virtual food drive is e...

Articles - Your guide to disaster fundraising
16th December 2022
Your guide to disaster fundraising

In recent years,crowdfunding platforms have become a vital piece of the disaster recovery puzzle for individuals, families, communities and even entire regions recovering from hurricanes, fires, floods and other disasters. This publication walks you through the basics of disaster fundraising. Unite, tune in, and launch your fundraising campaign People recover better from a disaster when they work together. For the greatest impact, unite with o...

Articles - What to do before and after getting a cancer treatment bill
16th December 2022

What to do before and after getting a cancer treatment bill

Cancer is devastating in its own right. Add the financial costs to the situation and it's easy to feel helpless. But it's important to remember that there are concrete steps you and your family can take to manage the situation. Here are some great tips from Caitlin Donovan, director of public relations at the National Patient Advocate Foundation , on what to do before and after receiving an offer of cancer treatment. Check out our article on 5...

Articles - 8 ways to help a neighbour in need
17th December 2022

8 ways to help a neighbour in need

A survey shows that people do not know their neighbours. However, this is not necessarily the case. Research shows that familiarity and politeness increase life satisfaction - meaning that even a passing nice comment can brighten your day as well as your neighbor's. 8 nice things to do for your neighbour You may not think that when you help others , you help yourself, but it's true. When you do good and are kind, your brain releases happy chemi...