Заедно да помогнем на Слави Together to help Slavi

Лечение, медицина и реабилитация 0/0
967 Доноры (дарители)
34006.85 EUR пожертвовано из 200000 EUR
Ивета Ценева
Бенефициар (Выгодоприобретатель)
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Крайняя дата
Конец через 78 дней
Доступная сумма
471.58 EUR
Ивета Ценева организует кампанию для Светослав Валентинов Ценев
Конец через 78 дней
Доступная сумма
471.58 EUR

📣🆘️📣🙏🙏🙏 📣🆘️📣🙏🙏🙏

27-го июля 2024
Здравейте, скъпи приятели! 🍀 🍀Днес искаме да споделим с вас актуална информация относно лечението и състоянието на Слави. Както знаете, той премина през редица образни изследвания, които показаха ПОЛОЖИТЕЛНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ. Приложената схема на лечение му помага и той вече се чувства по-добре. С правилните медикаменти успяваме да облекчим непоносимите сърбежи, причинени от биологичното лечение. 📣📣📣Въпреки напредъка, пътят на Слави не е свършил. Той продължава с венозни вливки и химиотерапия. В края на октомври е предвидено да се направят допълнителни образни изследвания, които ще помогнат за взимането на решение относно следващите стъпки в лечението.🙏🙏🙏 ‼️🆘️🙏‼️🆘️🙏За съжаление, средствата, събрани до момента, са НАПЪЛНО НЕДОСТАТЪЧНИ‼️‼️‼️, за да покрият лечението до октомври, а още по-малко за периодът след това. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Мили хора, нека отново да обединим усилията си и да подкрепим Слави в неговата борба. Заедно с вашата подкрепа, той е преминал през много трудности, знаейки, че ще оздравее. Както всеки един от нас, той желае повече от всичко да води пълноценен живот със своето семейство и да създаде собствено такова с любимата си.🆘️📣🆘️ 🙏📣🙏📣🙏Призоваваме всеки, който може, да подаде ръка на този млад мъж в битката му с болестта. Всяко дарение, независимо от размера, е от огромно значение за него!‼️🆘️‼️ 🙏🍀Благодарим ви от сърце за вашата подкрепа и съпричастност! Заедно сме по-силни и можем да помогнем на Слави да оздравее!!!🍀🙏 Hello dear friends! 🍀 🍀Today we want to share with you some current information regarding Slavi's treatment and condition. As you know, he has undergone a series of imaging tests which showed POSITIVE RESULTS. The treatment plan he is on is helping him, and he is already feeling better. With the right medications, we are managing to alleviate the intolerable itching caused by the biological treatment. 📣📣📣Despite the progress, Slavi's journey is not over yet. He continues with intravenous infusions and chemotherapy. At the end of October, additional imaging tests are scheduled, which will assist in making decisions regarding the next steps in his treatment. 🙏🙏🙏 ‼️🆘️🙏Unfortunately, the funds gathered so far are COMPLETELY INSUFFICIENT‼️‼️‼️ to cover the treatment until October, and even less for the period thereafter. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Dear friends, let us once again unite our efforts and support Slavi in his fight. With your support, he has faced many challenges, knowing that he will recover. Like all of us, he wishes more than anything to lead a fulfilling life with his family and to create his own with his beloved. 🆘️📣🆘️ 🙏📣🙏📣🙏We call on everyone who can to lend a hand to this young man in his battle against illness. Every donation, regardless of the size, is of enormous significance to him! ‼️🆘️‼️ 🙏🍀Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and compassion! Together we are stronger and can help Slavi recover!!! 🍀🙏 Hello, dear friends 🍀 🍀Today we want to share with you an update on Slavi's treatment and condition. As you know, he has undergone a number of imaging tests which have shown POSITIVE RESULTS. The treatment regimen applied is helping him and he is already feeling better. With the right medication we are able to relieve the unbearable itching caused by the biological treatment. 📣📣📣Despite the progress, Slavi's journey is not over. He continues with IV infusions and chemotherapy. Additional imaging studies are scheduled for late October to help decide on the next steps in treatment.🙏🙏🙏 ‼️🆘️🙏‼️🆘️🙏Unfortunately, the funds raised so far are FULL НЕДОСТАТЪЧНИ‼️‼️‼️ to cover treatment until October, much less the period after that. 🙏🙏🙏🙏People, let's join forces again and support Slavi in his fight. Together with your support, he has gone through many hardships knowing that he will get well. Like all of us, he wants more than anything to lead a fulfilling life with his family and create one of his own with the one he loves.🆘️📣🆘️ 🙏📣🙏🙏🙏We urge everyone who can to lend a hand to this young man in his battle with illness. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a huge difference to him!‼️🆘️‼️ 🙏🍀Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and empathy! Together we are stronger and we can help Slavi get better!!!🍀🙏 Hello dear friends! 🍀 🍀 🍀Today we want to share with you some current information regarding Slavi's treatment and condition. As you know, he has undergone a series of imaging tests which showed POSITIVE RESULTS. The treatment plan he is on is helping him, and he is already feeling better. With the right medications, we are managing to alleviate the intolerable itching caused by the biological treatment. 📣📣📣Despite the progress, Slavi's journey is not over yet. He continues with intravenous infusions and chemotherapy. At the end of October, additional imaging tests are scheduled, which will assist in making decisions regarding the next steps in his treatment. 🙏🙏🙏 ‼️🆘️🙏Unfortunately, the funds gathered so far are COMPLETELY INSUFFICIENT‼️‼️‼️ to cover the treatment until October, and even less for the period thereafter. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Dear friends, let us once again unite our efforts and support Slavi in his fight. With your support, he has faced many challenges, knowing that he will recover. Like all of us, he wishes more than anything to lead a fulfilling life with his family and to create his own with his beloved. 🆘️📣🆘️ 🙏🙏🙏📣🙏We call on everyone who can to lend a hand to this young man in his battle against illness. Every donation, regardless of the size, is of enormous significance to him! ‼️🆘️‼️ 🙏🍀Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and compassion! Together we are stronger and can help Slavi recover!!! 🍀🙏

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