Овој фонд е наменет за донатори, кои не можат да изберат конкретна кампања на која да донираат, и претставува донација со месечна претплата со картичка, PayPal или еднократна донација преку IBAN. Фондот го финансира лекувањето на лица до 18-годишна возраст, со онколошко заболување или со потреба од трансплантација на бубрег, црн дроб или срце.
Овој фонд е наменет за донатори, кои не можат да изберат конкретна кампања на која да донираат, и претставува донација со месечна претплата со картичка, PayPal или еднократна донација преку IBAN. Фондот го финансира лекувањето на лица до 18-годишна возраст, со онколошко заболување или со потреба од трансплантација на бубрег, црн дроб или срце.
In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country.In Kampala, street children and teen mothers were evacuated which indirectly placed a pressure in other cities within the country.
Uganda being boadering DRC and South Sudan has forced many refugees to flee from their homes from conflict in the DRC and South Sudan, leaving families stranded in camps and other majority on the streets within the cities where they live a hand to mouth lifestyle. Beacaue of current war in DRC, ma...Uganda being boadering DRC and South Sudan has forced many refugees to flee from their homes from conflict in the DRC and South Sudan, leaving families stranded in camps and other majority on the streets within the cities where they live a hand to mouth lifestyle. Beacaue of current war in DRC, ma...
26-го февраля 2025
Ali Kabugo
The harassing of street connected children in Kampala of recentlyThe harassing of street connected children in Kampala of recently
Greeting from Ali Kabugo in Kampala Uganda
From my experience just a couple of days ago, I was in a taxi travelling back to Banda but there was traffic. When I tried to look through the window, my eyes fell on a boy between 6 to 8 years who was cleaning side mirrors and drivers front mirrors; afte...Greeting from Ali Kabugo in Kampala Uganda
From my experience just a couple of days ago, I was in a taxi travelling back to Banda but there was traffic. When I tried to look through the window, my eyes fell on a boy between 6 to 8 years who was cleaning side mirrors and drivers front mirrors; after...