Secure the Culture Secure the Culture

Uchodźcy i migranci 1/3

Secure the Culture Secure the Culture

9 Darczyńcy
859.79 EUR ofiarowane od 1000 EUR
Ta kampania została zakończona. Śledź sekcję Aktualności, aby być na bieżąco z wiadomościami na jej temat i transakcjami (jeśli ich brakuje, oznacza to, że kampania nie została jeszcze opłacona).
Ali Raza Riaz
Data zakończenia
Dostępna kwota
859.79 EUR
Ali Raza Riaz jest organizatorem kampanii
Dostępna kwota
859.79 EUR

Hi my name is Ali I live in sheikhupura pakistan which is a small city. I want to make society Drugs free for this I have planned with my friends to establish work opportunities for young generation.

Because there are not much job opportunities in my society which is big cause of law and order and drug addiction. We want to save the future of our society by developing small businesses like food stalls. For this purpose I need your help. Small drops will make a river so I request everyone to please contribute in my ambition. A Drug Free Society.

Hi my name is Ali I live in sheikhupura pakistan which is a small city. I want to make society Drugs free for this I have planned with my friends to establish work opportunities for young generation.

Because there are not much job opportunities in my society which is big cause of law and order and drug addiction. We want to save the future of our society by developing small businesses like food stalls. For this purpose I need your help. Small drops will make a river so I request everyone to please contribute in my ambition. A Drug Free Society.

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PavelAndreev.ORG to najbezpieczniejsza platforma do zorganizowania kolejnej kampanii.