Enhance Creativity in the field of illustration Enhance Creativity in the field of illustration

Sztuka, kultura i społeczeństwo 0/0
0 Darczyńcy
0 EUR ofiarowane od 4500 EUR
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Yuli Saputra
Data zakończenia
Dostępna kwota
Yuli Saputra jest organizatorem kampanii
Dostępna kwota

Make my dream come true in creativity Make my dream come true in creativity

21. grudnia 2024

Hi everyone! A talented young artist, Yuli Saputra, needs your help to realize his dream! He needs €4500 to buy more advanced creative equipment. With the new equipment, Yuli can create even more incredible artworks!


As a thank you for your support, Yuli is giving away a special gift: digital coloring pages for kids! These coloring pages are cute and educational, perfect for your little ones.


Join in supporting Yuli's creative journey and get her digital coloring pages now! After donating, don't forget to contact Yuli via email [email protected] to get the gift.

Hi everyone! A talented young artist, Yuli Saputra, needs your help to realize his dream! He needs €4500 to buy more advanced creative equipment. With the new equipment, Yuli can create even more incredible artworks!

As a thank you for your support, Yuli is giving away a special gift: digital coloring pages for kids! These coloring pages are cute and educational, perfect for your little ones.

Join in supporting Yuli's creative journey and get her digital coloring pages now! After donating, don't forget to contact Yuli via email [email protected] to get the gift.

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PavelAndreev.ORG to najbezpieczniejsza platforma do zorganizowania kolejnej kampanii.