Help Olesya beat leukemia / Допоможіть Олесі перемогти лейкемію Help Olesya beat leukemia

Leczenie, medycyna i rehabilitacja 0/0
134 Darczyńcy
8397.6 EUR ofiarowane od 84800 EUR
Maryna Batozhna
Olesia Batozhna
Data zakończenia
Koniec po 35 dni
Dostępna kwota
702.74 EUR
Maryna Batozhna organizuje kampanię dla Olesia Batozhna
Koniec po 35 dni
Dostępna kwota
702.74 EUR

I didn’t know my little girl is this strong I didn't know my little girl is this strong

29. sierpnia 2024
Olesia is fighting as hard as she can. She stays positive and tries to smile through the pain. Her 6 year old brother is successfully helping her to distract a little. So far Olesia is on the way to finish the second cycle of chemotherapy. But the process is difficult as she is experiencing severe side effects. Besides constant abdominal pain, the blood tests are showing no neutrofiles at all. Which means she has zero immune system and is risking getting any infection possible even from the air she breathes. We need to be extra careful about every sign of illness, because her body is so weak these days. It’s extremely difficult to see her like this. Doctors are doing everything they can. Olesia received blood and its components three times during this week. The only thing that is left is to wait until the bone marrow starts to work again. And then the doctors will start the new cycle of chemotherapy. Olesia needs all the help possible right now. Every donation, every good word counts! Olesia is fighting as hard as she can. She stays positive and tries to smile through the pain. Her 6 year old brother is successfully helping her to distract a little. So far Olesia is on her way to finish the second cycle of chemotherapy. But the process is difficult as she is experiencing severe side effects. Besides constant abdominal pain, the blood tests are showing no neutrofiles at all. Which means she has zero immune system and is risking getting any infection possible even from the air she breathes. We need to be extra careful about every sign of illness, because her body is so weak these days. It's extremely difficult to see her like this. Doctors are doing everything they can. Olesia received blood and its components three times during this week. The only thing that is left is to wait until the bone marrow starts to work again. And then the doctors will start the new cycle of chemotherapy. Olesia needs all the help possible right now. Every donation, every good word counts!

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