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Светлин Митрев
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Светлин Митрев е организатор на кампањата
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Здравейте, казвам се Светлин Митрев. По образование съм доктор по Философия, но пиша сценарии на български и английски от години като свое хоби, имам два късометражни проекта зад гърба си: Night at the milonga и Време за Гняв. И двата жънат успех по световните фестивали.

Тук може да видите проектите, които са качени в Youtube.

Night at the milonga link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKJtmJ5PnQ

Време за Гняв link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xck4TFGV8JY

Тази година завърших дебютния си пълнометражен филм "АЛБА - ПЪТЯТ НА СЪДБАТА", чийто трейлър може да видите тук: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOusjAU9IaU

Правенето на кино е моя страст, но както е добре известно независимото кино в България се прави изключително трудно, особено когато се стига до набирането на средства. Това е и причината да се обърна към всички вас с надеждата, че ще ме подкрепите в желанието и амбицията ми да реализирам още един от своите проекти.

"ИЗКУПЛЕНИЕ" е интересна, вълнуваща история вдъхновена от филми като "Леон", "Заркилникът", "Твърде лично", "Мъж от никаде", " Чистач" и др., които представят самотния, отчужден и често депресиран герой, който трябва да излезе от отчаянието си, да се върне към живота, който е загърбил в името на някой, който се нуждае от помощ.

Както личи от филмите, които малко или много са ме вдъхновили, идеята, която искам да реализирам е в жанра криминален екшън, който разглежда наболели въпроси като: злоупотреба с наркотици, трафик на хора, детска неглижираност, но също така и теми като: приятелство, себеотрицание, справяне с мъката и разбира се ИЗКУПЛЕНИЕ.

Сюжетът (в резюме) разказва историята на Том - бивш убиец на мафията, който живее в депресия и отчуждение, потънал в мъка по покойната си съпруга. Той се сприятелява с момиченце, което живее в неговата сграда. То е системно неглижирано от своята майка, която има проблем с наркотиците, оказали влияние на избора й на живот, социални контакти. Потъналия в мъка мъж открива смисъл отново да се радва на малките неща от живота, благодарение на приятелството си с момичето. В следствие на начина на й на живот, самотната майка попада в бизнеса с трафик на хора, а дъщеря й по стечение на обстоятелствата в болница. Суровият убиец отново трябва да се върне към живота, който е загърбил в опит да помогне на малката си приятелка и да събере отново майка и дъщеря, опитвайки се по този начин да изкупи делата от миналото си.

Смятам, че историята ще се хареса на публиката, която ще види неподправен екшън, придружен от силен емоционален и драматичен заряд с екзистенциални мотиви. История, която ще предизвика размисъл за житейските избори и предизвикателства, силата на волята и непоколебимостта да напариш това, което смяташ за правилно. Идеята е да се отдаде почит на екшън филмите от 80-те и 90-те години на миналия век. Филми, които макар и с предвидим сюжет бяха изключително забавни и интерсни, представящи "вечната битка" на добро срещу зло по един опростен, но удовлетворяващ за зрителя начин, който дава на публиката усещането за справедливост, която често пъти не може да бъде открита в суровата ни действителност.

Средсттвата поставени като крайна цел в кампанията ще бъдат използвани по организацията и дейността по продукцията като: дизайн, намиране и запазване на определени локации (там където е необходимо заплащане за ползване), хонорани на актьори и снимачен екип, поспродукция (мусика, монтаж, е др.), маркетинг и рекламна кампания, разпространение.


Hello, my name is Svetlin Mitrev a Ph.D. in Philosophy by education but am very passionate about cinema. I`ve been writing scripts for years and till now I have two shorts under my belt "Night at the milonga" and "Time for Wrath". Both with a winning spree at film festivals.

Here you can check them:

Night at the milonga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKJtmJ5PnQ

Time for Wrath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xck4TFGV8JY

This year I was able to make my debut feature film "ALBA - PATH OF DESTINY", which teaser you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOusjAU9IaU

Filmmaking is my passion, but it`s a well-known fact that independent cinema is very difficult to do, especially when it comes to the budget and raising funds. That is also a reason why I`m turning to a platform like that and turning to you for help in realizing another of my ideas.

"REDEMPTION" is an interesting, compelling, and captivating story inspired by movies such "Leon", "The Equalizer"," Takken", "Man from Nowhere", "Clean" etc. Movies that present the lonely, alienated, often depressed protagonist (hero) who has to come out of his despair, and return to his dark past to help someone he cares about.

As you can see from the list of movies that more or less have inspired me, the movie I want to make is Crime -Action which deals with issues such as drug addiction. child neglect, and human trafficking but also with topics such as friendship, self-denial, grief, and of course REDEMPTION.

The plot (in summary) tells the story of Tom - an ex-mafia enforcer who lives in depression and alienation, lost in grief for his late wife. He befriends a little girl who lives in his building. She is systematically neglected by her mother, who has a drug problem that has influenced her life choices and social contacts. The man lost in grief finds meaning in enjoying the little things in life again, thanks to his bonding with the girl. As a result of her lifestyle, the single mother ends up in the human trafficking ring, and her daughter ends up in the hospital by coincidence. The cruel killer must once again return to the life he has abandoned in an attempt to help his little friend and reunite mother and daughter, trying to redeem himself for the deeds of his past along the way.

I think the story will appeal to the audience, who will see fast-paced action, accompanied by a strong emotional and dramatic story with existential motives. A story that will provoke reflection on life's choices and challenges, the strength of will, and the steadfastness to stand up for what you think is right. The idea is to pay tribute to the action films of the 80s and 90s of the last century. Films that, although with a predictable plot, were extremely entertaining and interesting, presenting the "eternal battle" of good against evil in a simple, but satisfying way for the viewer, which gives the audience a sense of justice, which often cannot be found in our harsh reality.

The funds set as the ultimate goal in the campaign will be used for the organization and production activities such as production design, scouting, and booking certain locations (where payment for use is required), obtaining permits, wages for actors and film crew, post-production (music, editing, etc.), marketing and advertising campaign, distribution.

Hello, my name is Svetlin Mitrev. I am a PhD in Philosophy, but I have been writing scripts in Bulgarian and English for years as a hobby, I have two short projects behind me. Both of them have been successful at festivals around the world.

Here you can see the projects, which are uploaded on Youtube.

Night at the milonga link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKJtmJ5PnQ

Time for Anger link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xck4TFGV8JY

This year I finished my debut feature film ALBA - THE WAY OF DESTINY, whose trailer can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOusjAU9IaU

Filmmaking is a passion of mine, but as is well known independent filmmaking in Bulgaria is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to fundraising. This is the reason why I turn to all of you in the hope that you will support me in my desire and ambition to realize another of my projects.

REDEMPTION is an interesting, moving story inspired by films such as Leon, The Caretaker, Too Private, Man From Nowhere, The Cleaner and others, which present a lonely, alienated and often depressed character who must come out of his despair, to return to the life he has turned his back on for the sake of someone who needs help.

As evidenced by the films that have more or less inspired me, the idea I want to realize is in the genre of crime action that deals with pressing issues such as: drug abuse, human trafficking, child neglect, but also themes such as: friendship, selflessness, dealing with grief and of course REDEMPTION.

The plot (in summary) tells the story of Tom, a former Mafia hit man who lives in depression and alienation, drowning in grief for his late wife. He befriends a little girl who lives in his building. She is systematically neglected by her mother who has a drug problem that has affected her life choices, social contacts. The grief-stricken man finds meaning in enjoying the little things in life again, thanks to his friendship with the girl. As a consequence of her lifestyle, the single mother falls into the business of human trafficking and her daughter coincidentally ends up in hospital. The brutal killer must once again return to the life he has turned his back on in an attempt to help his little friend and reunite mother and daughter, thus trying to atone for the deeds of his past.

I think the story will appeal to audiences who will see genuine action accompanied by a strong emotional and dramatic charge with existential themes. A story that will cause reflection on life's choices and challenges, the strength of will and the determination to attack what you believe is right. The idea is to pay homage to the action films of the 80s and 90s. Films that, although with a predictable plot, were extremely entertaining and interesting, presenting the 'eternal battle' of good versus evil in a simplistic but satisfying way that gives the audience a sense of justice that often cannot be found in our harsh reality.

The funds set as the final goal in the campaign will be used on the organization and activities of the production such as: design, finding and reserving certain locations (where payment for use is necessary), cast and crew honorariums, post-production (music, editing, etc.), marketing and advertising campaign, distribution.


Hello, my name is Svetlin Mitrev a Ph.D. I`ve been writing scripts for years and till now I have two shorts under my belt "Night at the milonga" and "Time for Wrath". Both with a winning spree at film festivals.

Here you can check them:

Night at the milonga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKJtmJ5PnQ

Time for Wrath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xck4TFGV8JY

This year I was able to make my debut feature film "ALBA - PATH OF DESTINY", which teaser you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOusjAU9IaU

Filmmaking is my passion, but it`s a well-known fact that independent cinema is very difficult to do, especially when it comes to the budget and raising funds. That is also a reason why I`m turning to a platform like that and turning to you for help in realizing another of my ideas.

"REDEMPTION" is an interesting, compelling, and captivating story inspired by movies such "Leon", "The Equalizer"," Takken", "Man from Nowhere", "Clean" etc. Movies that present the lonely, alienated, often depressed protagonist (hero) who has to come out of his despair, and return to his dark past to help someone he cares about.

As you can see from the list of movies that more or less have inspired me, the movie I want to make is Crime -Action which deals with issues such as drug addiction. child neglect, and human trafficking but also with topics such as friendship, self-denial, grief, and of course REDEMPTION.

The plot (in summary) tells the story of Tom - an ex-mafia enforcer who lives in depression and alienation, lost in grief for his late wife. He befriends a little girl who lives in his building. She is systematically neglected by her mother, who has a drug problem that has influenced her life choices and social contacts. The man lost in grief finds meaning in enjoying the little things in life again, thanks to his bonding with the girl. As a result of her lifestyle, the single mother ends up in the human trafficking ring, and her daughter ends up in the hospital by coincidence. The cruel killer must once again return to the life he has abandoned in an attempt to help his little friend and reunite mother and daughter, trying to redeem himself for the deeds of his past along the way.

I think the story will appeal to the audience, who will see fast-paced action, accompanied by a strong emotional and dramatic story with existential motives. A story that will provoke reflection on life's choices and challenges, the strength of will, and the steadfastness to stand up for what you think is right. The idea is to pay tribute to the action films of the 80s and 90s of the last century. Films that, although with a predictable plot, were extremely entertaining and interesting, presenting the "eternal battle" of good against evil in a simple, but satisfying way for the viewer, which gives the audience a sense of justice, which often cannot be found in our harsh reality.

The funds set as the ultimate goal in the campaign will be used for the organization and production activities such as production design, scouting, and booking certain locations (where payment for use is required), obtaining permits, wages for actors and film crew, post-production (music, editing, etc.), marketing and advertising campaign, distribution.

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