Help Needed for Our Beloved Dog’s Treatment Help Needed for Our Beloved Dog’s Treatment

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Help Needed for Our Beloved Dog’s Treatment Help Needed for Our Beloved Dog’s Treatment

1 Донатори
4.55 EUR донирани од 2000 EUR
Eda Gezer
Ghost Bully Dog
Краен датум
Крај после 9 дена
Расположлив износ
4.55 EUR
Eda Gezer организира кампања за Ghost Bully Dog
Крај после 9 дена
Расположлив износ
4.55 EUR

Our dog is currently unwell and undergoing special treatment.He is being fed special food and supplements to aid his recovery.We love him dearly and wish him for to regain his health.Unfortunately, the treatment costs have become very expensive.Any small help would mean to world to us.

Thank you for your kidness.

Our dog is currently unwell and undergoing special treatment.He is being fed special food and supplements to aid his recovery.We love him dearly and wish him for to regain his health.Unfortunately, the treatment costs have become very expensive.Any small help would mean to world to us.

Thank you for your kidness.

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