Help Ahana fight against Neuroblastoma Help Ahana fight against Neuroblastoma

Лекување, медицина и рехабилитација 0/0
4 Донатори
161.53 EUR донирани од 131651 EUR
Avanya Dhanuk
Ahana Dhanuk
Краен датум
Крај после 13 дена
Расположлив износ
161.53 EUR
Avanya Dhanuk организира кампања за Ahana Dhanuk
Крај после 13 дена
Расположлив износ
161.53 EUR

Not very good news :( Not very good news :(

1-ви октомври 2024

We sincerely appreciate all the support and great work that Pavel Andreev is doing, but unfortunately, our little one, who, although she looks very smiley, is eating, and seems strong, has had some serious complications, and at this moment, she is undergoing surgery. Posting these photos gives us strength, seeing her eyes, her face, her determination, and above all, her desire to keep living. We are devastated by the news, but more than ever, we beg and ask for everyone’s help to be able to assist our daughter.

These have been very tough days, and unfortunately, these complications have had an impact on our financial needs. We haven’t been able to raise much, but little by little, we hope to be able to cover the huge bill to cure our daughter. Thank you to everyone and to your kind hearts for supporting us, and especially for giving us a bit of love through your donation. With love and from the heart, Ahana’s family

We sincerely appreciate all the support and great work that Pavel Andreev is doing, but unfortunately, our little one, who, although she looks very smiley, is eating, and seems strong, has had some serious complications, and at this moment, she is undergoing surgery. Posting these photos gives us strength, seeing her eyes, her face, her determination, and above all, her desire to keep living. We are devastated by the news, but more than ever, we beg and ask for everyone’s help to be able to assist our daughter.

These have been very tough days, and unfortunately, these complications have had an impact on our financial needs. We haven’t been able to raise much, but little by little, we hope to be able to cover the huge bill to cure our daughter. Thank you to everyone and to your kind hearts for supporting us, and especially for giving us a bit of love through your donation. With love and from the heart, Ahana’s family

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PavelAndreev.ORG е најбезбедната платформа за организирање на твојата следна кампања.