On the way to the fulfillment of a dream-Да сбъднем мечтата на Емилия On the way to the fulfillment of a dream-To make Emilia's dream come true

Bambini e giovani 1/16

On the way to the fulfillment of a dream-Да сбъднем мечтата на Емилия On the way to the fulfillment of a dream-To make Emilia's dream come true

21 Donatori
601.74 EUR donati da 18407 euro
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Emilia Valerieva Avramova
Data di scadenza
Somma disponibile
Емилия Валериева Аврамова organizza una campagna per Emilia Valerieva Avramova
Somma disponibile





(Български текст по-долу)


Hello! My name is Emilia.

I was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am currently 18 years old and this year I have graduated from Thomas Jefferson Secondary High English School (Sofia, Bulgaria). For as long as I can remember, art has played a key and irreplaceable role in my life—starting with playing the piano and singing at a very young age, continuing doing acting, to finding myself in classical ballet and modern dance, which have changed my point of view and shaped me as a person who strives for the most in life. A huge role in my life has my mother, who raised me and my sister particularly practically alone, who thought me the moral principles without which I wouldn’t be the person I am now, who showed me what is it to be a good human being giving me the freedom to choose smart, making sure my wings grow unstoppably. Thanks to that I am finding my individuality in arts, and particularly in dance. My mom has always said that in order to succeed, you should love unreservedly and strongly the thing you do, but you should also fight for it and don’t let people tell you what you cannot do… Although that you should fail, be betrayed, because the biggest unforgettable scars are what make us stand up stronger and willing to continue.


Over the years, the stage has become a part of my life like a second home. A home where you forget about the pain that life hides, a home where you forget about the ego, about the imperfection, chaos, about the difficulties - a home where you are who you are. Imperfect, but being able to show who you truly are in your highest and even in your lowest, what you work and fight for every day, although the process remains invisible from the public... I love this home indescribably and I believe that it is my destiny to be there during this lifetime, whatever the price is.

Dozens of competitions, performances, shows, appearances on the stage... and every time it's like the first time. You show up and it's as if you were born there. You forget about everything and everyone, you forget about the worries we all care unreservedly... In dance, I discover my true self. Dance for me is an escape. An escape from the wrongs, misunderstandings and a connection to the things that really matter in this life, the unimaginative and the unframed. A flight to another world in which the true beauty, where the soul and body are one and achieve the perfection we are all willing for.

Since many years, my biggest dream has been to go abroad to study modern and contemporary dance, because my path is way different from those of other dancers in Bulgaria. I didn't graduate from a dance high school, that's why many doors are closed for me in Bulgaria. I choose to study abroad because I think I can chase my dreams at places where the doors are always opened; I want to take from places where people give opportunities to the talent and the potential, to the desire; I want to taste the bitter artistic world and one day eventually return home one day, so that I can leave my knowledge and express my biggest passion. I can bravely state that in Bulgaria contemporary dance is years behind, and we need to change that. How that’s going to happen is by young people bringing as much experience and knowledge as possible from around the world. That’s why I believe chasing this path is not only important for me, but inevitable for the future of our country’s dance culture.

The road to my dream is filled with challenges, sacrifices, difficulties and disappointments... but it’s also filled with life, beauty, purpose and spirit… I believe that a person who has desire and discipline creates an engine in himself that, once created, cannot stop working.

After years of work, I have been accepted in Spain, Denmark and Sweden in high-leveled universities, selecting only the best students, with the aim of graduating students who will enter the professional world with determination- the world where beauty is not what it seems to be from the outside. My choice has come to Spain, because this is the country where contemporary dance is far ahead. Unfortunately, the fees for the university are very high, because dance majors require exceptional professionalism on the part of the teachers, a lot of attention to every single student and the growth of his technical, artistic skills, provision of rehearsal rooms, provision of year-round shows and performances, technical and theoretical training, etc... The annual amount is 6000 EUR, which is almost unbearable for my mother, working alone, and me, working to help her, combining the most creative with the most uncreative work. My goal is to be able to raise at least half of this amount for my entire training of 18,000 EUR, which will last 3 years, so that I can strengthen my skills and fight to enter the professional world. Although my goal is to study and work abroad, it is also to return to Bulgaria. I want to contribute to the way of thinking that there are no frames and borders… dance is one of the most beautiful art forms and it deserves a room for development. I would be glad to make people believe that human life is not a frame and we cannot live indefinitely within it. That we are all human, but we carry with us the impossible.

That a person who wants, achieves.

No matter how, no matter what is the cost.

With reason, strength and, above all, with love.

With your help, I can reach the unbearable. If you want to donate or even share with people around you, I would be extremely happy even if I just inspire someone.

Thank you endlessly!



Благотворителна кампания за Емилия


Казвам се Емилия Аврамова, родена съм и живея в София, България. На 18 години съм и тази година завърших с висок успех Втора Английска езикова гимназия. Откакто се помня, изкуството има ключова и незаменима роля в живота ми-започвайки от пианото и пеенето като съвсем малка, преминавайки през актьорското майсторство и стигайки до класическия и модерния балет, които промениха вижданията ми и ме изваяха като личност, стремяща се към най-стръмните висоти. Огромна роля има моята майка, отгледала мен и сестра ми сама, която възпита на първо място човека у мен, а след това и твореца, давайки ми свободата, грижейки се за това крилете ми да растат, внимателно показвайки ми цената на това да се бориш, да успяваш, да обичаш безрезервно, силно, ала и да падаш, да бъдеш предаван от хората, оставайки с най-големите незабравими рани.

През годините сцената стана част от живота ми като втори дом. Дом, в който забравяш за болката, която крие животът, дом, в който забравяш за егото, за несъвършенствата, за трудностите-дом, в който ти си този, който си. Несъвършен, съумял да покаже това, което е в пълнотата си, това, за което работи и се бори всеки ден, макар може би да остава скрито за публиката; стремящ се към съвършенство... Аз обичам този дом неописуемо и вярвам, че ми е писано да бъда в него през този си живот, кавото и да ми струва това.

Десетки конкурси, състезания, представления, изяви на Сцената…и всеки път е сякаш за първи път. Излизаш на Нея и сякаш се раждаш там. Забравяш за всичко и всички, забравяш, че си човек… Чрез танца, аз откривам истинското себе си. Танцът за мен е бяг. Бяг от фалшивото и връзка с истинското, реалното, неизмисленото и нерамкираното. Полет към един друг свят, в който има истинска красота, в който душата и тялото са едно и постигат съвършенството, заложено ни от Вселената. 

От много години моята най-голяма мечта е да замина да уча в чужбина класически и модерен балет, защото моят път е по-различен от този на останалите танцьори в България. Аз не съм завършила професионална гимназия, затова пред мен се затварят много врати в България. Избрах чужбина, защото смятам, че мога да се боря за много там, където вратите са винаги отворени; искам да взема с пълни шепи от там, където хората дават възможност на таланта и потенциала, на борбеността; да вкуся от света и един ден да се върна, за да мога да оставя своята следа в изкуството в България, която обичам и тача като своя майка. С ръка на сърцето казвам, че в България изкуството е с години назад, а то е значима част от човешкия живот…без него животът е само и единствено една реалност, суровина, а ние самите забравяме за красотата и хилядите му багри. Пътят към тази мечта е изпълнен с болка, трудности, падения, разочарования… но човек, който има желание и дисциплина, създава у себе си двигател, който веднъж сътворен, не може да спре да работи.

След години труд, аз съм приета в Испания, Дания и Швеция в университети на високо ниво, подбиращи само най-добрите ученици, с цел да завършат деца, които е сигурно, че ще успеят да навлязат с устрем и непоколебимост в професионалния свят, където красотата не е такава, каквато всеки си я представя. Аз избрах Испания, защото там изкуството е светлинни години напред. За съжаление, таксите за този университет са много високи, защото специалността съвременен и класически танц изисква изключителен професионализъм от страна на учителите, осигуряване на огромни зали за репетиции, осигуряване на целогодишни покази и представления, техническа и теоритична подготовка и т.н., т.н… Годишната сума е 12 000 лева, която е почти непосилна за моята майка, работеща сама, и мен, работеща, за да й помагам, съчетаваща най-творческата с най-нетворческата работа. Моята цел е да успея да събера поне половината сума от тази за цялото ми обучение от 36 000 лева, което ще трае 3 години, за да мога да затвърдя уменията си и да се боря да стигна професиналния свят, да играя на сцена и да покажа крилете си, които в момента развивам. Макар моята цел е да замина, то тя е и също да се върна в България, за да покажа на хората, че в изкуството не съществуват рамки и граници. Да покажа, че танцът е едно от най-красивите видове изкуства и че трябва да има поле за развитие тук. Да вдъхна у хората идеята, че човешкият живот не е една рамка и не можем да живеем до безкрай в нея. Че всички сме хора, но носим у себе си невъзможното. 

Че човек, който иска, постига.                                     

Без значение как, без значение на каква цена.

С разум, сила и на първо място-любов.

С цялата си надежда Ви казвам, благодаря!



(English text below)

Hello! My name is Emilia.

I was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am currently 18 years old and this year I have graduated from Thomas Jefferson Secondary High English School (Sofia, Bulgaria). For as long as I can remember, art has played a key and irreplaceable role in my life-starting with playing the piano and singing at a very young age, continuing doing acting, to finding myself in classical ballet and modern dance, which have changed my point of view and shaped me as a person who strives for the most in life. A huge role in my life has my mother, who raised me and my sister especially practically alone, who thought me the moral principles without which I wouldn't be the person I am now, who showed me what is it to be a good human being giving me the freedom to choose smart, making sure my wings grow unstoppably. Thanks to that I am finding my individuality in arts, and especially in dance. My mom has always said that in order to succeed, you should love unreservedly and strongly the thing you do, but you should also fight for it and don't let people tell you what you cannot do... Although that you should fail, be betrayed, because the biggest unforgettable scars are what make us stand up stronger and willing to continue.

Over the years, the stage has become a part of my life like a second home. A home where you forget about the pain that life hides, a home where you forget about the ego, about the imperfection, chaos, about the difficulties - a home where you are who you are. Imperfect, but being able to show who you truly are in your highest and even in your lowest, what you work and fight for every day, although the process remains invisible from the public... I love this home indescribably and I believe that it is my destiny to be there during this lifetime, whatever the price is.

Dozens of competitions, performances, shows, appearances on the stage... and every time it's like the first time. You show up and it's as if you were born there. You forget about everything and everyone, you forget about the worries we all care unreservedly... In dance, I discover my true self. Dance for me is an escape. An escape from the wrongs, misunderstandings and a connection to the things that really matter in this life, the unimaginative and the unframed. A flight to another world in which the true beauty, where the soul and body are one and achieve the perfection we are all willing for.

Since many years, my biggest dream has been to go abroad to study modern and contemporary dance, because my path is way different from those of other dancers in Bulgaria. I didn't graduate from a dance high school, that's why many doors are closed for me in Bulgaria. I choose to study abroad because I think I can chase my dreams at places where the doors are always open; I want to take from places where people give opportunities to the talent and the potential, to the desire; I want to taste the bitter artistic world and one day eventually return home one day, so that I can leave my knowledge and express my biggest passion. I can bravely state that in Bulgaria contemporary dance is years behind, and we need to change that. How that's going to happen is by young people bringing as much experience and knowledge as possible from around the world. That's why I believe chasing this path is not only important for me, but inevitable for the future of our country's dance culture.

The road to my dream is filled with challenges, sacrifices, difficulties and disappointments... but it's also filled with life, beauty, purpose and spirit... I believe that a person who has desire and discipline creates an engine in himself that, once created, cannot stop working.

After years of work, I have been accepted in Spain, Denmark and Sweden in high-leveled universities, selecting only the best students, with the aim of graduating students who will enter the professional world with determination- the world where beauty is not what it seems to be from the outside. My choice has come to Spain, because this is the country where contemporary dance is far ahead. Unfortunately, the fees for the university are very high, because dance majors require exceptional professionalism on the part of the teachers, a lot of attention to every single student and the growth of his technical, artistic skills, provision of rehearsal rooms, provision of year-round shows and performances, technical and theoretical training, etc... The annual amount is 6000 EUR, which is almost unbearable for my mother, working alone, and me, working to help her, combining the most creative with the most uncreative work. My goal is to be able to raise at least half of this amount for my entire training of 18,000 EUR, which will last 3 years, so that I can strengthen my skills and fight to enter the professional world. Although my goal is to study and work abroad, it is also to return to Bulgaria. I want to contribute to the way of thinking that there are no frames and borders... dance is one of the most beautiful art forms and it deserves a room for development. I would be glad to make people believe that human life is not a frame and we cannot live indefinitely within it. That we are all human, but we carry with us the impossible.

That a person who wants, achieves.

No matter how, no matter what is the cost.

With reason, strength and, above all, with love.

With your help, I can reach the unbearable. If you want to donate or even share with people around you, I would be extremely happy even if I just inspire someone.

Thank you endlessly!

Charity campaign for Emilia


My name is Emilia Avramova, I was born and live in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am 18 years old and this year I graduated with high grades from the Second English Language High School. Ever since I can remember, art has played a key and irreplaceable role in my life-starting with piano and singing at a very young age, moving on to acting, and on to classical and modern ballet, which have changed my outlook and sculpted me as a person striving for the steepest heights. My mother, who raised me and my sister on her own, played a huge role, educating the person in me first and then the artist, giving me freedom, making sure my wings grew, gently showing me the cost of struggling, succeeding, loving unconditionally, strongly, but also falling, being betrayed by people, left with the most unforgettable wounds.

Over the years, the stage has become part of my life like a second home. A home where you forget about the pain that life holds, a home where you forget about the ego, the imperfections, the difficulties-a home where you are who you are. Imperfect, able to show who you are in your fullness, what you work and struggle for every day, even though it may remain hidden to the public; striving for perfection... I love this home indescribably and believe that I am meant to be in it in this lifetime, whatever it may cost me.

Dozens of competitions, competitions, performances, appearances on the Stage...and each time it feels like the first time. You walk out on Her and it's like you were born there. You forget about everything and everyone, you forget that you are human... Through dance, I discover the real me. Dance for me is an escape. An escape from the false and a connection with the true, the real, the unfictional and the unframed. A flight to another world where there is true beauty, where soul and body are one and achieve the perfection set for us by the universe.

For many years my biggest dream is to go abroad to study classical and modern ballet, because my path is different from that of other dancers in Bulgaria. I didn't graduate from a professional high school, so many doors are closing for me in Bulgaria. I chose to go abroad because I think I can fight for a lot where the doors are always open; I want to take full handfuls from where people give talent and potential and struggle a chance; I want to taste the world and one day come back so I can leave my mark on the arts in Bulgaria, which I love and cherish like my mother. With my hand on my heart I say that in Bulgaria art is years behind, and it is a significant part of human life...without it life is only a reality, a raw material, and we ourselves forget about its beauty and its thousand colours. The road to this dream is filled with pain, difficulties, downfalls, disappointments... but a person who has the desire and discipline creates in himself an engine that, once created, cannot stop working.

After years of hard work, I have been accepted in Spain, Denmark and Sweden in high-level universities, selecting only the best students, with the aim of graduating children who are sure to succeed in entering with drive and determination the professional world, where beauty is not as everyone imagines it. I chose Spain because art there is light years ahead. Unfortunately, the fees for this university are very high, because majoring in contemporary and classical dance requires extreme professionalism on the part of the teachers, providing huge rehearsal halls, providing year-round shows and performances, technical and theoretical training, etc., etc... The annual amount is 12,000 leva, which is almost unaffordable for my mother, working alone, and me, working to help her, combining the most creative with the most uncreative work. My goal is to be able to raise at least half of this amount for my entire training of 36,000 leva, which will last 3 years, so that I can consolidate my skills and struggle to reach the professional world, play on stage and show my wings, which I am currently developing. Although my goal is to leave, it is also to come back to Bulgaria to show people that there are no boundaries and limits in art. To show that dance is one of the most beautiful arts and that there should be room for development here. To inspire people with the idea that human life is not a frame and we cannot live forever in it. That we are all human, but we carry within us the impossible.

That a person who wants, achieves.

No matter how, no matter at what cost.

With reason, strength and above all-love.

With all my hope I say thank you!

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