Toma Anghenie este un tanar talentat al sahului romanesc, care si-a dedicat timpul si pasiunea pentru acest sport al mintii.
La doar 10 ani, Toma a demostrat deja un talent deosebit si, cu multa munca si determinare, a reusit sa cucereasca titluri importante:
* Campion National Scolar la categoria Open 11 (2025)
* Vicecampion al Bucurestiului la categoria Open 10 (2024)
* Campion national cu echipa la sah blitz Open 10 (2024)
* Vicecampion national cu echipa la sah rapid Open 10 (2024)
Cu o gandire rapida, o viziune strategica exceptionala si o maturitate surprinzatoare pentru varsta lui, Toma promite sa devina un nume de referinta in lumea sahului.
Drumul sau abia incepe, iar viitorul pare extrem de promitator pentru acest mic mare campion!
Acum Toma se pregateste pentru cea mai mare provocare a sa: participarea la Campionatul Mondial din Serbia, unde va reprezenta Romania si isi va masura fortele cu cei mai buni jucatori din lume.
Din pacate, drumul spre excelenta si participarea la turnee presupun costuri semnificative - transport, cazare, taxe de inscriere - si, in acest moment, sprijinul financiar necesar lipseste.
De aceea, apelam la comunitatea iubitorilor de sah, la cei care cred in tinerii talentati si in viitorul micilor sportivi. Orice contributie, indiferent de marime, poate face o diferenta enorma in indeplinirea visului lui Toma.
Impreuna putem scrie o pagina de succes in povestea acestui tanar campion!
Va multumim!
Toma Anghenie is a talented young Romanian chess player who has dedicated his time and passion to this sport of the mind.
At only 10 years old, Toma has already demonstrated a great talent and, with hard work and determination, has managed to win important titles:
* National School Champion in the Open 11 category (2025)
* Vice Champion of Bucharest in Open 10 category (2024)
* National Team Champion in Open 10 blitz chess (2024)
* National team vice-champion in Open 10 rapid chess (2024)
With his quick thinking, exceptional strategic vision and a surprising maturity for his age, Toma promises to become a reference name in the chess world.
His journey is just beginning and the future looks extremely promising for this little champion!
Now Toma is getting ready for his biggest challenge: participating in the World Championship in Serbia, where he will represent Romania and will measure his strength against the best players in the world.
Unfortunately, the road to excellence and participation in tournaments involves significant costs - transportation, accommodation, registration fees - and, at the moment, the necessary financial support is lacking.
Therefore, we are appealing to the chess-loving community, to those who believe in young talented people and in the future of young athletes. Any contribution, regardless of size, can make a huge difference in realizing Toma's dream.
Together we can write a successful page in the story of this young champion!
Thank you!
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