Списание ЗВУК и малък концерт в Благоевград ZVUK Magazine and a small concert in Blagoevgrad

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Списание ЗВУК и малък концерт в Благоевград ZVUK Magazine and a small concert in Blagoevgrad

22 Donantes
467.8 EUR donated from 378 EUR
Esta campaña se ha llevado a cabo. Siga la sección de Noticias para estar al corriente de las novedades sobre la misma y de las transacciones (si faltan, quiere decir que la campaña aún no ha sido pagada).
Fecha límite
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible
Моника Бояджиева Es el organizador de la campaña
Llevada a cabo
Cantidad disponible



Казвам се Моника Бояджиева и съм завършваща студентка в Американския университет в България. Уча журналистика и масови комуникации и дипломната ми работа се състои в издаването на еднократен (засега) брой на списание за българска алтернативна музика. В деня на издаването на списанието - 5 май - ще се проведе концерт с групата The Gentlemen в Благоевград. 

За съжаление, спонсорирането от университета не покрива цялата сума нужна за принтирането на списанието и провеждането на концерта. Липсва сумата от 400 щатски долара, или 740 български лева. Бюджета на кампанията ще се използва за следните разходи: 

- озвучаване на концерта - 400лв 

- принтиране на списанието - 630лв 

- разходи за престой и пътуване на групата от София-Благоевград - 200лв

Терена за провеждане на събитието ще бъде предоставен от община Благоевград, а консумацията от местни заведения безвъзмездно. 

Всеки ще има възможност да получи брой на списанието в замяна на доброволно дарение и събраната сума, както и каквато и да е сума останала неизползвана от бюджета ще отиде към групата The Gentlemen за тяхното изпълнение, тъй като до момента те също са съгласни да свирят безвъзмездно, но аз вярвам, че изкуството трябва да бъде подкрепяно и популяризирано. 

Надявам се вие също повярвате в каузата и подкрепите създаването на този малък, но искрено ценен за мен проект. 



My name is Monica Boyadzhieva and I am a graduating student at the American University in Bulgaria. I study journalism and mass communication and my capstone project consists of writing and publishing a magazine issue for Bulgarian alternative music. The day of launching the magazine - 5 May - will be supported by a mini-concert in Blagoevgrad by the band The Gentlemen. 

Unfortunately, university funding does not cover the entire cost of printing the magazine and organizing the event. I need to raise an additional amount of 400 USD or 740 BGN. The budget of this campaign will cover part of the following costs: 

- sound system for the event - 400 BGN

- printing of the magazine - 630 BGN

- accommodation and transport for The Gentlemen from Sofia to Blagoevgrad - 200 BGN

The event's location will be provided for free by the Blagoevgrad municipality and local establishments will sponsor food and drinks. 

Everyone attending the concert will get the chance to receive an issue of the magazine and donate to the cause. The money collected from the event, as well as any possible leftover money from the budget, will go directly to the band The Gentlemen who agreed to play for free. I believe art should be supported and I want to give back for their support. 

I hope you also believe in my passion project and contribute with whatever you can so it can come to life. 

Thank you. 



My name is Monika Boyadjieva and I am a graduate student at the American University in Bulgaria. I study Journalism and Mass Communication and my thesis consists in publishing a one-off (for now) issue of a Bulgarian alternative music magazine. On the day of the magazine's release - May 5 - a concert with the band The Gentlemen will take place in Blagoevgrad.

Unfortunately, the sponsorship from the university does not cover the entire amount needed to print the magazine and hold the concert. The missing amount is 400 USD, or 740 BGN. The campaign budget will be used for the following expenses:

- sound for the concert - 400 BGN

- printing of the magazine - 630BGN

- expenses for the group's stay and travel from Sofia to Blagoevgrad - 200BGN

The venue for the event will be provided by the municipality of Blagoevgrad, and the food will be provided by local restaurants free of charge.

Everyone will have the opportunity to receive an issue of the magazine in exchange for a voluntary donation and the amount raised, and any amount left unused from the budget will go to the band The Gentlemen for their performance, as so far they have also agreed to play for free, but I believe that art should be supported and promoted.

I hope you also believe in the cause and support the creation of this small but sincerely valuable project for me.


My name is Monica Boyadzhieva and I am a graduating student at the American University in Bulgaria. I study journalism and mass communication and my capstone project consists of writing and publishing a magazine issue for Bulgarian alternative music. The day of launching the magazine - 5 May - will be supported by a mini-concert in Blagoevgrad by the band The Gentlemen.

Unfortunately, university funding does not cover the entire cost of printing the magazine and organizing the event. I need to raise an additional amount of 400 USD or 740 BGN. The budget of this campaign will cover part of the following costs:

- sound system for the event - 400 BGN

- printing of the magazine - 630 BGN

- accommodation and transport for The Gentlemen from Sofia to Blagoevgrad - 200 BGN

The event's location will be provided for free by the Blagoevgrad municipality and local establishments will sponsor food and drinks.

Everyone attending the concert will get the chance to receive an issue of the magazine and donate to the cause. The money collected from the event, as well as any possible leftover money from the budget, will go directly to the band The Gentlemen who agreed to play for free. I believe art should be supported and I want to give back for their support.

I hope you also believe in my passion project and contribute with whatever you can so it can come to life.

Thank you.

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3º mayo 2023
Моника Бояджиева
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
ENGLISH BELOW Концерта е зад ъгъла, този петък, и дойде момента, в който вашата помощ ще бъде от полза. Изтеглената сума ще покрие следните ра... ENGLISH BELOW The concert is just around the corner this Friday, and the time has come when your help will be useful. The amount raised will cover...
913.73 BGN Cantidad pagada al beneficiario
1.2 BGN Comsión de transacción
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Informe de revisión

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