
Charity is showing support to a person in need. You can do this by organizing an online campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

Start a campaign
Articles - Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps
13th November 2022

Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps

Most of us have been in a situation where we've had to ask for help. If you've been in that scenario, you can agree that it's a difficult task. People...

Articles - How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips
4th December 2022
How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips

Successful fundraising starts with honest, courageous storytelling - and compelling stories turn passive visitors into active givers and sharers. Does your story prompt people to make donations? Could it be sharper or more compelling? The stronger your story and the more effectively you tell it, the more successful your fundraising will be. Telling an effective story in a fundraising context presents unique challenges. 1. Get inspiration from...

Articles - 5 myths you need to know about crowdfunding
6th December 2022
5 myths you need to know about crowdfunding

Organizing a charity campaign (crowdfunding) has been around for a long time in different cultures and under different names. In African and Caribbean communities, there are circles for saving money and donations called sou-sou . Temples of worship may start collecting food for victims of an accident. Nowadays, the Internet helps people raise funds for medical care, charities, necessities , training and education, animal rescue , and other cau...

Articles - Top strategies for small business survival
10th December 2022
Top strategies for small business survival

Do you have a restaurant or coffee shop that serves as your home away from home? A bookstore that might as well have your name emblazoned on the armchair? It's not just you: people like to find a place where they feel good, and stick with it. So when your favorite small business is facing closing its doors, it's time to take action. Check out our small business survival strategies. Why are local businesses so important? As of 2016, over 51% of...

Articles - Your guide to disaster fundraising
16th December 2022

Your guide to disaster fundraising

In recent years,crowdfunding platforms have become a vital piece of the disaster recovery puzzle for individuals, families, communities and even entire regions recovering from hurricanes, fires, floods and other disasters. This publication walks you through the basics of disaster fundraising. Unite, tune in, and launch your fundraising campaign People recover better from a disaster when they work together. For the greatest impact, unite with o...

Articles - 8 ways to help a neighbour in need
17th December 2022

8 ways to help a neighbour in need

A survey shows that people do not know their neighbours. However, this is not necessarily the case. Research shows that familiarity and politeness increase life satisfaction - meaning that even a passing nice comment can brighten your day as well as your neighbor's. 8 nice things to do for your neighbour You may not think that when you help others , you help yourself, but it's true. When you do good and are kind, your brain releases happy chemi...