Articles - Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps
13th November 2022

Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps

Most of us have been in a situation where we've had to ask for help. If you've been in that scenario, you can agree that it's a difficult task. People don't want to feel like a burden, and it's easy to experience shame and failure when you think about asking for support.

Asking for donations is no different. People often say that the hardest part of crowdfunding is asking for help with money. Asking for donations can be daunting if you've never done it. Don't worry, you can overcome the feeling of vulnerability that comes with asking for help by following our tips for asking for donations. Our team will teach you how to ask for donations and how to create a sense of urgency.

The basics on how to ask for donations online

1. Inspire giving by truthfully telling your story

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. People want to believe their donations are going to a legitimate cause. Be honest by telling your story to reassure those who want to help. If a donor connects with your story, they will be more inclined to donate. Encourage potential donors to visit your fundraising page to get more details - and become part of your journey with their donation.

2. Tailor your message to whom you're asking

The best way to get a positive response - and a donation - is to appeal to each potential donor's individual interests. If you know someone who would respond better to a warm, lighthearted request, keep your wording to ask for donations informal and bright. For someone like a colleague who might respond better to a formal approach, deliver your message accordingly.

You may be nervous about asking for help. It's good to know that even people who regularly organize donation drives still get nervous. Asking for donations online can be made easier by using a mental checklist and practicing your approach. Here are a few tips on how to ask for donations.


When asking for donations, focus on more than the need. Also think about the types of donors you are asking and what their understanding and needs might be. When approaching a potential donor, ask yourself:

  • Why does this person care? There is a reason to approach him or her for donations. Keep this reason in mind and communicate it when you approach any potential donor.
  • What relationship does this person have with the beneficiary? Perhaps the individual is a family member of the beneficiary. A tip for asking family for money is to mention this relationship when asking for donations. This is to create a more personal, intimate communication and to increase your chances of receiving a donation. Touching on the relationship is important to do with anyone you ask, whether it is a childhood friend or a neighbor.
  • Why would they have reservations? Keep in mind the reasons why someone may not want to donate, and try to address them. For example, some people may worry that they can't afford to make a large enough donation to make a difference. By addressing this concern and listing specific expenses that can be paid for with small donations, you can get more people to contribute.


Sending a personal fundraisingletter to potential donors can increase the number of donations you receive. This may sound time-consuming, but it's effective. It separates your message from the dozens of spam requests a person might receive. It also shows that your request is about more than money - it's about a relationship.

3. Create a sense of urgency

It's important toconvey a sense of urgency when sharing your fundraising campaign. Without that urgency, your potential donors may consider waiting to donate - requiring you to ask them again down the line. Explain what will happen if you don't raise the money in a certain amount of time, and you'll likely see a spike in donations. Keep in mind that even negative consequences can be framed in a positive light.

4. Use email to your advantage

One major power of email: you can ask friends and family to forward the non-personalized portion of the message to their own circle. Consider creating a block of text that they can easily use for this purpose, and call it out as such in your email.Additionally, email is great for online fundraising without social media , as it is effective, inexpensive, and easy to track your progress. Achieve your fundraising goals successfully by taking advantage of these fundraising email templates.

5. Make donating easier

While this is obvious, it can be easy to forget: Make it easy for people to make a donation. Include the link to your donation page in your ask, and don't be afraid to point out exactly where the donate button is located in your fundraising campaign.

6. Be specific in your request

Giving people specific information is a powerful way to get their attention. Give potential donors clear reasons why they should donate to your cause. In your ask, be sure to separate these three things:

  • Your current situation.
  • The reason you are fundraising.
  • Your desired outcome.


Be specific in your list of expenses as well. Some ways to be specific include using numbers, making a checklist, and listing additional expenses. It can also be effective to get specific amounts requested. For example, "A donation of $125 will allow Jenny to fill one month's prescriptions."

Some successful fundraising campaigns describe each expense - not just an expensive item such as surgery or funeral , but also the gas money needed to get to the doctor, transportation fees for the hearse or van, and other, smaller expenses. Potential donors will appreciate the transparency.

7. Be creative with how you ask

You don't need to use a formula when it comes to making your donation asks. Deviating from traditional formulas will make your fundraising stand out. Just make sure the approach you choose fits your fundraising and motivates people to get involved. Here are some innovative examples of how to ask for donations:

  • Start your request with the beneficiary's favorite poem or song lyric.
  • Include images or videos to make your request more emotionally compelling.
  • Address common fears and myths about crowdfunding to provide clarity and reassurance to donors before submitting your request.


You're not going to get a donation from every person you ask, and that's okay. It doesn't mean you've done a bad job. Sometimes people get distracted or don't have the money to donate. Understanding this, politely reach out to anyone who didn't donate the first time you reached out.You can also suggest other ways they can show support for free, such as sharing your fundraising campaign on their online social networks. Make it easier for them by providing some guidance on how to ask for donations on social media . Using social media fundraising is a great opportunity to turn followers into donors.

These recommendations from Pavel Andreev will help you run a successful fundraising campaign. You can quickly and easily organize a charity campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.

And in our help center you can see What are the conditions for starting a campaign?

The financial support you need is on the other side of fear

Above all, remember that people love to help others. When you ask for donations, you're simply tapping into that human impulse. Now that you know the basics of asking for donations, you can start fundraising today and start raising donations tomorrow.

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