
Gratitude is a great positive emotion of having received something from someone who means you well. Check out the news section of the campaigns you have donated to to see the gratitude of the beneficiaries.

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Articles - 11 tips for a successful donation campaign
22nd February 2023

11 tips for a successful donation campaign

From the position of people who have a lot of experience with running hundreds of charity campaigns, the team behind the PavelAndreev.ORG Foundation w...

Articles - Why is it important to help?
22nd February 2023
Why is it important to help?

Any charity campaign is doomed to failure without its volunteers and donors. They are the driving force, and it is up to them alone to reach their limits. Participation in any form in a charity campaign must be absolutely voluntary and selfless. The very fact that you are helping someone in need and being their support in this difficult time for them will bring you a certain satisfaction and sense of duty done. But what kind of duty are we talki...

Articles - 10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook
21st April 2023
10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook

Nowadayswe have many options for promoting a donation campaign, and inevitably the easiest, most convenient and free way is through social networks. Facebook is the leading one among them, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it falls into the "must use" category when it comes to internet marketing. You can use it as the main channel to communicate with your donors and through it, you can redirect them to your donation campaign that you...

Articles - Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful
25th April 2023
Do you have a PavelAndreevBG campaign? Here are some tips on how to make it more successful

The success of a donation campaign depends on many factors. One of them is the right choice of partner. In the face of thePavel Andreev Foundation, you should be sure that you have an extremely serious and responsible partner by your side, who will give you full support in every situation. You can turn for help or assistance to the team behind the platform at any time. Don't be embarrassed by anything and ask about anything that interests you. T...

Articles - How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign
25th April 2023

How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign

Now that you've created your own charitycampaign, it's time to let people know about it. Now comes the tricky part, some people would say, and they wouldn't be far from the truth. Many charity campaigns are doomed to fail in their infancy because their creators don't know how to run them and don't know how to present them to people. Over-expectation and lack of quick results prove to be a stumbling block for many. Initial enthusiasm gradually ev...

Articles - The problems you may face when organizing a donation campaign
27th April 2023

The problems you may face when organizing a donation campaign

Few people are lucky enough not to face financial problems in their lifetime. Unfortunately, achieving financial stability and peace of mind in our country is a task that is not within everyone's reach. In recent years, people are facing dire economic tasks for many reasons. A fresh example - the rising inflation globally, which we are yet to feel the negative effects on our quality of life. Some have lost their jobs and others are facing unfores...