Articles - How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign
25th April 2023

How to use social media to run a successful charity campaign

Now that you've created your own charitycampaign, it's time to let people know about it. Now comes the tricky part, some people would say, and they wouldn't be far from the truth. Many charity campaigns are doomed to fail in their infancy because their creators don't know how to run them and don't know how to present them to people. Over-expectation and lack of quick results prove to be a stumbling block for many. Initial enthusiasm gradually evaporates and this inevitably affects the results the campaign achieves.

Today, the internet offers us a vast field for expression and the opportunity to connect with millions of people from all over the world. So, there is no room for excuses and the main reason for the failure of your charity campaign is somewhere inside you. You made a mistake somewhere and you need to fix it.

To gain people's trust and get them on board with your cause, it takes more than just desire. Patience and hard work are the foundation of any success!

One of the main mistakes people make is around using social media to promote their campaign. Not knowing how to use this powerful tool prevents you from achieving even better results and may even end up being the cause of the campaign's ultimate failure! The aim of today's piece is to share key guidelines on how to use social media to promote your charity campaign and we'll point out the most common mistakes to avoid!


Many people think that a single post on their personal social network profile appealing for people to help is all they need to do. The truth, however, is radically different. You need to pay serious attention to your social media presence as it is the main tool you will use to engage people with your charity online. Think carefully about every aspect:

- Campaign name
- Slogan
- Photo and video material
- Inspirational texts
- Target audience
- Keeping in touch with the audience
- What action will you require from your followers

These and more are things to think about before you 'share' your campaign on social media. A good plan is the foundation on which you will step and will open up different horizons for action. Be concise and honest. Connection is the key to success when it comes to charity campaigns and it is through this that you will gain people's trust, on which ultimate success depends!


If 10-15 years ago there was only one social network - facebook, now there are at least 4-5 channels you can successfully use to spread your campaign. It is NO secret to anyone that TikTok is currently the most used social network, followed by facebook and instagram. We can also add twitter and youtube, which are among the most used apps in Bulgaria.


Undoubtedly, the social network offers the most opportunities to develop and promote a charity campaign. We encourage you to use it as the "main channel" through which to share relevant and useful information to your supporters. To this end, create a page and a group where you can post important topics and generate discussions. Invite people to share the information you provide and invite their friends to become part of your community accordingly.

Pay attention to the content you post. Avoid meaningless posts and only post really important information. Try to share as many photos and videos as possible to capture people's interest and introduce them to your goals. Be on trend and don't limit yourself to just texting. As for them - avoid overly long messages and try to touch the reader with words! This will awaken their sense of empathy and spur them into action. As even just one "like" or "share" will bring you this, it is more than a good result!

Check out our guide with 10 ideas on how to promote a donation campaign on Facebook.


You don't just need to create a community, you need to maintain it. Even if you don't manage to post every day or several times a day, make an effort to regularly share what's going on with your charity campaign. You are more or less obligated to give feedback to your "donors" about how the funds raised are being spent and whether you are close to reaching your final goal. By doing this, you build trust, and inevitably other people will find out about the results you are achieving together and the likelihood of getting them on board with your cause becomes much greater! Share up-to-date information and don't be shy to even ask for an opinion, advice or idea from your supporters! Every campaign needs volunteers and two heads always think better than one, but what about 20 or 200?


Depending on your campaign goal, it's not a bad idea to set up your own website, but you should think carefully about whether you need one or whether the time is not right for this step yet. Usually a website is created when you have an organisation or foundation for charity. If it is about running a charity campaign with a clear deadline and goal, you better publish it on a donation site like PavelAndreev.ORG and raise the necessary funds through it!


Social networks are a great opportunity to promote your charity campaign, but for the actual fundraising you should use a dedicated charitysite like the Pavel Andreev Foundation. Over the years it has proven its transparency and in its face you will always have a faithful partner with whom you can walk side by side the path you have taken. Rest assured that 100% of the funds that will enter the Pavel Andreev platform will be used for the purpose of the charity campaign. The foundation DOES NOT take any maintenancefees for 5 out of 6 payment methods, which is the mainstream practice of most charity websites. The only deduction is the transaction fee for the transfer.

Through the Pavel Andreev Foundationwebsite you can set up your charity campaign with just a few clicks. Throughout the process, you will be guided step-by-step by the platform. Please read the Terms and Conditions in advance and comply with the site's requirements regarding photos/text and video you can post. It's not complicated at all and shouldn't take you long. One of the main advantages of the platform is that it shows in real time the funds raised and those that are currently in. You should also remember that the PavelAndreev.ORG website is monitored and visited daily by active donors who regularly help various campaigns and could also join your cause if you manage to win them over with your actions!


Don't forget that there is life outside of social media. Seek assistance and ways topromote your charity campaign through the media and websites that are in some way connected to your goals. As well as the internet, it can also share about your campaign in real life, such as:

- by handing out leaflets and promotional material
- organising events - presentations/collections/concerts/competitions/other activities
- group meetings
- seeking support from businesses
- newspaper and magazine articles
- radio and television

There are many ways to share and tell about your campaign. Talk to people, but don't be pushy and make them feel pressured. Just share about your cause and invite them to get involved if they are interested. By your actions you stand behind your words and they are your guarantee of success! Be the personal example you want to see in others and you will inevitably get results!

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