donation box

Organizing a charity campaign to raise funds for the creation of a donation box through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform

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Articles - TOP 7 ideas for charity fundraising on a budget.
13th December 2020

TOP 7 ideas for charity fundraising on a budget.

As fundraising can also be conducted online only, it is a tempting idea to organise a fundraising event. The fact is that in-person fundraising events...

Articles - How to help the victims of natural disasters
14th September 2023
How to help the victims of natural disasters

Natural disasters are something unpredictable. Unfortunately, they are not only difficult to predict, but also difficult to counter. Be it strong earthquakes, floods or fires - chances are that nature will be kind and the damage will be minimal. In some cases, however, we are not so lucky and tragedies occur that take hundreds of lives and cause serious material damage. In such situations, we need to stand together, and when we stand together i...

Articles - Are we prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies?
14th September 2023
Are we prepared to respond to disasters and emergencies?

Natural disasters catch us unprepared. They can happen most unexpectedly, at any moment. A natural disaster can be a fire, an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado, a flood, or even a tsunami. Natural disasters kill an average of 45,000 people worldwide every year according to statistics. They also have a lasting effect on the lives of the people who survive. When these catastrophic events happen, people can lose their homes and belongings. They may...

Articles - Help for earthquake victims - charity for blankets, tents, food, water, medical care
1st December 2023
Help for earthquake victims - charity for blankets, tents, food, water, medical care

Earthquakes are phenomena that lead to disastrous consequences. Many times these are natural disasters with devastating consequences. They create dangers for people and the environment. The victims of earthquakes can be different, no matter age, gender, race. The victims can range from people killed and injured to buildings and infrastructure destroyed. Today we will introduce you to the Paul Andreev Foundation and some questions about the help...