crowdfunding campaign

Organizing a charity campaign to raise funds for a crowdfunding campaign through the platform PavelAndreev.ORG 


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Articles - How to help repair a school sports hall roof
2nd April 2024

How to help repair a school sports hall roof

Anyone who lives in a house or owns a building knows on the one hand how important it is for the roof to be stable, but on the other – how many proble...

Articles - How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?
10th May 2024
How to raise more funds for treatment through a crowdfunding campaign?

Crowdfunding, or in direct translation from English crowdfunding, is a method of raising funds from different people, whether they are acquaintances or not. Generally speaking, it is a powerful tool that allows people to come together and support a project, cause or person. Anyone can participate as a donor, and the size of the donation is irrelevant. An online platform is used to raise funds, which makes the process much easier, and the crowdfun...

Articles - The best guide to overcoming crowdfunding campaign launch difficulties
29th July 2024
The best guide to overcoming crowdfunding campaign launch difficulties

Crowdfunding has become a modern form of collective funding that allows people to support projects, ideas or causes by providing a set amount of money. Crowdfunding platforms act as an intermediary between project creators and their supporters, facilitating the fundraising process and communication. This method of funding has become increasingly popular in recent years because it provides an opportunity for various people in need to raise the nec...