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Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
971 Donors
33535.27 EUR donated from 200000 EUR
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Ивета Ценева
Светослав Валентинов Ценев
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Ивета Ценева organizes a campaign for Светослав Валентинов Ценев
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Предстоящ ЯМР и компютърна томография Upcoming MRI and CT scan

7th June 2024

Здравейте, скъпи приятели. 🍀 📣📣📣На Слави вече е назначена дата за ЯМР на коремни органи и компютърна томография на белите дробове, които ще бъдат от ИЗКЛЮЧИТЕЛНО значение ,за това как се отразява лечението и какво предстои. Те ще бъде направени на 13.06.2024г., като преди това ще му бъдат направени необходимите изследвания, за които все още нямаме яснота за сумата ,която трябва да бъде заплатена. От болницата в Турция ,ни бе изпратена проформа за сумата, която трябва да бъде преведена,за ЯМР и компютърната томография.‼️🆘️‼️ 📣 Прилагаме и проформа ,на вливката ,която се осъществи на 31.05 и за вливката,която ще бъде направена на 14.06. 📣 🙏‼️🙏‼️Сегашното състояние на Слави е добро. Проблемите с очите ,вече започват да отшумяват, благодарение на изписаното лечение от очния лекар. 🍀 📣🙏📣Искрено се надяваме ,изследването да покаже добри резултати и Слави да чуе положителни думи вече ,които още повече да го обнадеждат. 🆘️ Заедно с вашата подкрепа ,Слави е по-силен и знае ,че ще се справи. ‼️🙏📣🆘️🍀 Hello dear friends. 🍀 📣📣📣Slavi now has a scheduled date for an MRI of the abdominal organs and a CT scan of the lungs, which will be of UTMOST importance, for how the treatment is reflected and what lies ahead. They will be done on 13.06.2024, with the necessary tests to be done beforehand, for which we still do not have clarity on the amount that needs to be paid. The hospital in Turkey sent us a proforma for the amount that needs to be transferred, for the MRI and CT scan.‼️🆘️‼️ 📣 We are also attaching a proforma for the infusion that was done on 31.05 and for the infusion that will be done on 14.06. 📣 🙏‼️🙏‼️Slavi's current condition is good. The eye problems are starting to subside, thanks to the prescribed treatment from the eye doctor. 🍀 📣🙏📣We sincerely hope that the examination will show good results and that Slavi will hear positive words already, which will further encourage him. 🆘️ With your support, Slavi is stronger and knows that he will overcome this. ‼️🙏

Hello, dear friends. 🍀 📣📣📣Slavi already has an appointment for an MRI of his abdominal organs and a CT scan of his lungs, which will be EXTREMELY important , for how it affects his treatment and what is to come. These will be done on 13.06.2024 and before that he will have the necessary tests, for which we are still unclear about the amount to be paid. The hospital in Turkey has sent us a proforma for the amount to be paid for the MRI and CT scan.‼️🆘️‼️ 📣 We also attach the proforma for the infusion that took place on 31.05 and for the infusion that will be done on 14.06. 📣 🙏‼️🙏‼️Сегашното condition of Slavi is good. The eye problems , are already starting to subside thanks to the treatment prescribed by the eye doctor. 🍀 📣🙏📣We sincerely hope , the examination will show good results and Slavi will hear positive words already , which will make him even more hopeful. 🆘️ Together with your support , Slavi is stronger and knows he will make it. ‼️🙏📣🆘️🍀 Hello dear friends. 🍀 📣📣📣Slavi now has a scheduled date for an MRI of the abdominal organs and a CT scan of the lungs, which will be of UTMOST importance, for how the treatment is reflected and what lies ahead. They will be done on 13.06.2024, with the necessary tests to be done beforehand, for which we still do not have clarity on the amount that needs to be paid. The hospital in Turkey sent us a proforma for the amount that needs to be transferred, for the MRI and CT scan.‼️🆘️‼️ 📣 We are also attaching a proforma for the infusion that was done on 31.05 and for the infusion that will be done on 14.06. 📣 🙏‼️🙏‼️Slavi's current condition is good. The eye problems are starting to subside, thanks to the prescribed treatment from the eye doctor. 🍀 📣🙏📣We sincerely hope that the examination will show good results and that Slavi will hear positive results already, which will further encourage him. 🆘️ With your support, Slavi is stronger and knows that he will overcome this. ‼️🙏

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