Всички заедно за Люби All together for Lubi

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
1134 Donors
47184.62 EUR donated from 46000 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Елисавета Мирчева
Любомир Сураев
End date
Available amount
2250.62 EUR
Елисавета Мирчева organizes a campaign for Любомир Сураев
Available amount
2250.62 EUR


4th March 2025
Здравейте, мили приятели. Отдавна не сме писали, но имахме много премеждия и едва сега започнахме да се съвземаме. Малкия ни герой се разболя от грипа, разви пневмония и беше в болница, защото състоянието му беше доста опасно. Следствие на температурата, която сигна 41 градуса, епилепсията, която бяхме преборили, се върна и се наложи строго проследяване и включване на медикамент. За съжаление обаче този медикамент не му се отразява никак добре, промени държанието му и ние сме много притеснени. Затова изчакахме да се възстанови от грипа и заминаване при нашия невролог в Турция, с огромна надежда, ще направим изследвания и ще се молим за най-доброто. Надяваме се да сменят терапията и на нашето момче да му олекне. За пореден път ви молим да стискате силно палци на нашия герой. Благодарим ви, че ви има. Hello, dear friends. It's been a while since we've posted, but we've had a lot of mishaps and are just now starting to get our bearings. Our little hero came down with the flu, developed pneumonia, and was in the hospital because his condition was quite dangerous. As a result of his fever, which was a signature 41 degrees, the epilepsy we had fought off returned and required close monitoring and the inclusion of medication. Sadly though this medication is not affecting him well at all, it has changed his behaviour and we are very worried. So we have waited until he has recovered from the flu and gone to see our neurologist in Turkey, very hopeful, we will do tests and pray for the best. Hopefully they will change the therapy and our boy will get better. Once again we ask you to keep your fingers crossed strongly for our hero. Thank you for being there.
850 EUR Payment of invoice
20 EUR Transaction fee

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