СПЕШНО! Помогни на малкия Алекс HURRY! Help little Alex

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
3396 Donors
101190.12 EUR donated from 100000 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Кремена Узунова
Александър Добринов Узунов
End date
Available amount
142.97 EUR
Кремена Узунова organizes a campaign for Александър Добринов Узунов
Available amount
142.97 EUR

Операция на тумор Tumour surgery

31st July 2024

Здравейте, скъпи хора! Вчера Алекс претърпя тежка операция. Беше в интензивно отделение, но днес е по-стабилен, възстановява се и бе преместен в стандартна стая, заедно с мама. Какво лечение предстои ще разберем след резултатите от хистологията. Благодарим Ви за всяка една протегната ръка, благодарим за всеки един положен труд, за всяко рамо, подадено на нас. Знаем, че сърцата Ви туптят за Алекс и вярваме, че това ще ни помогне! ♥️ Благодарение на Вас ние дадохме старт на лечението му в Турция и силно се надяваме, че всичко ще върви в правилната посока! Благодарим Ви! ❤️

Hello, dear people! Yesterday Alex underwent a serious surgery. He was in intensive care, but today he is more stable, recovering and was moved to a standard room, together with his mom. We will find out what treatment is coming after the histology results. Thank you for every hand extended, thank you for every effort made, for every shoulder given to us. We know that your hearts beat for Alex and we believe that this will help us! ♥️ Thanks to you, we have started his treatment in Turkey and we very much hope that everything will go in the right direction! Thank you! ❤️

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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