Щастливо детство за Ради Happy childhood for Radi

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
258 Donors
50461.4 EUR donated from 69127 EUR
Марио Колев
Радослав Колев
End date
Ends in 281 days
Available amount
7783.61 EUR
Марио Колев organizes a campaign for Радослав Колев
Ends in 281 days
Available amount
7783.61 EUR

Стволови клетки и второ ФМТ 15,04-19,04,2024г. Stem Cell and Secondary FMT 15,04-19,04,2024.

23rd April 2024

Привет на всички дарители и доброжелатели на Ради.

Ние вече сме си в България. Процедурите и на двете манипулации минаха успешно. Сега се иска търпение и чакане. Столовите клетки бяха две вливки общо - 244,02 милиона. Фмт не е приключило. Имат да се пият 60 капсули и чак след това ще може да правим нови изследвания. Добрата новина е, че може да увеличаваме разнообразието от храни с които трабвя да се храни Ради.

Greetings to all of Radi's donors and well-wishers.

We are already in Bulgaria. The procedures of both manipulations were successful. Now patience and waiting is required. The stool cages were two infusions totaling 244.02 million. The fmt is not over. We have 60 capsules to drink and only then we can do new research. The good news is that we can increase the variety of foods that Raddy can eat.

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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