New life for Tatiana New life for Tatiana

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0

New life for Tatiana New life for Tatiana

78 Donors
2803.55 EUR donated from 25565 EUR
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Татяна Тодорова Михалева
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Татяна Михалева organizes a campaign for Татяна Тодорова Михалева
Available amount

Моля Ви, помогнете ми да отгледам двете си деца!!!

Казвам се Татяна Михалева на 40г от гр.Провадия с диагноза хронична бъбречна недостатъчност.

Бях на 14г когато разбрахме, че имам поликистозни бъбреци. До преди 3г нямах никакви оплаквания, но през 2020г когато прекарах Ковид показателите ми започнаха да се покачват и се наложи често да си правя изследвания, които показваха покачване на креатинин и ореа. През 2022г ме приеха във ВМА Варна отново с високи показатели и искаха да бъда включена на хемодиализа, но аз тогава отказах с надеждате да се оправя.

След като ме изписаха от болница ми препоръчаха да започна да приемам билки. Благодарение, на които успях да нормализирам показателите.

На 5 януари ме приеха с инфекция креатининът ми беше 850.Отново отказах хемодиализа и казах, че ще се подложа на трансплантация.

За съжаление, тъй като тук в България цялата процедура е тромава и всичко се случва много бавно, реших да потърся помощ в Турция. Там получих оферта от болница Аджибадем. 

За операцията са необходими 50 000 хил.лева.Сумата е непосилна за моето семейство. Затова се обръщам към ВАС с молба за помощ. Помогнете ми да се излекувам и да видя как децата ми растат.


My name is Tatiana Mikhaleva, 40 years old from Provadia, diagnosed with chronic renal failure.

I was 14 years old when we found out that I have polycystic kidneys. Until 3 years ago I had no complaints, but in 2020 when I spent Kovid my indicators started to rise and I had to have frequent tests which showed a rise in creatinine and orea. In 2022 I was admitted to VMA Varna again with high readings and they wanted me to be put on haemodialysis but I refused then in the hope of getting better.

After I was discharged from hospital I was advised to start taking herbs. Thanks to which I was able to normalize the indicators.

On January 5 I was admitted with an infection my creatinine was 850.Again I refused hemodialysis and said I would undergo a transplant.

Unfortunately, as the whole procedure here in Bulgaria is cumbersome and everything happens very slowly, I decided to seek help in Turkey. There I received an offer from Ajibadem Hospital. 

The amount is unaffordable for my family. Therefore, I appeal to YOU for help. Help me to heal and see my children grow up.

Please help me raise my two children!!!

My name is Tatiana Mikhaleva, 40 years old from Provadia, diagnosed with chronic renal failure.

I was 14 years old when we found out that I have polycystic kidneys. Until 3 years ago I had no complaints, but in 2020 when I spent Kovid my indicators started to rise and I had to have frequent tests which showed a rise in creatinine and orea. In 2022 I was admitted to VMA Varna again with high readings and they wanted me to be put on haemodialysis but I refused then in the hope of getting better.

After I was discharged from hospital I was advised to start taking herbs. Thanks to which I was able to normalize the indicators.

On January 5 I was admitted with an infection my creatinine was 850.Again I refused hemodialysis and said I would undergo a transplant.

Unfortunately, as the whole procedure here in Bulgaria is cumbersome and everything happens very slowly, I decided to seek help in Turkey. There I received an offer from Ajibadem Hospital.

The amount is unaffordable for my family. Therefore, I appeal to YOU for help. Help me to heal and see my children grow up.


My name is Tatiana Mikhaleva, 40 years old from Provadia, diagnosed with chronic renal failure.

I was 14 years old when we found out that I have polycystic kidneys. Until 3 years ago I had no complaints, but in 2020 when I spent Kovid my indicators started to rise and I had to have frequent tests which showed a rise in creatinine and orea. In 2022 I was admitted to VMA Varna again with high readings and they wanted me to be put on haemodialysis but I refused then in the hope of getting better.

After I was discharged from hospital I was advised to start taking herbs. Thanks to which I was able to normalize the indicators.

On January 5 I was admitted with an infection my creatinine was 850.Again I refused haemodialysis and said I would undergo a transplant.

Unfortunately, as the whole procedure here in Bulgaria is cumbersome and everything happens very slowly, I decided to seek help in Turkey. There I received an offer from Ajibadem Hospital.

The amount is unaffordable for my family. Therefore, I appeal to YOU for help. Help me to heal and see my children grow up.

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29th June 2024
Татяна Михалева organizes a campaign for Татяна Тодорова Михалева
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Нов живот за Татяна" към кампания "Щастливо детство за Мони". Прехвърлена сума: 222.77EUR Donation of funds from the "New Life for Tatiana" campaign to the "Happy Childhood for Moni" campaign. Amount transferred.
7th February 2024
Татяна Михалева organizes a campaign for Татяна Тодорова Михалева
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
Благодаря на всички дарители!в момента ми правят изследвания Thank you to all donors!I am currently undergoing research
5443.23 BGN Payment of invoice
40 BGN Transaction fee
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