Надежда за Гоги Hope for Gogi

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
10901 Donors
233808.37 EUR donated from 204517 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Владимир Диамандиев
Георги Диамандиев - Гоги
End date
Available amount
Владимир Диамандиев organizes a campaign for Георги Диамандиев - Гоги
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

21st March 2023
Здравейте, добри хора! Прилагаме новата проформа. Състоянието на Гоги остава непроменено спрямо предния път. Беше му направена втора процедура с цел разтваряне на трахеята. Казаха ни,че са успели да я увеличат до 100%, но има вероятност, отново да се свие с 30%. Тази седмица отново ще проверят какво е състоянието й. Докторите казват, че неговото състояние, не позволява да бъде махната трахеостомата , но времето ще покаже. Битката продължава! Искрено ваши , Семейство Диамандиеви! Hello, good people! Please find attached the new proforma. Gogi's condition remains unchanged from last time. He had a second procedure to dilate his trachea. We were told that they were able to increase it to 100% but there is a possibility that it will shrink again by 30%. They will check again this week what her condition is. The doctors say its condition, does not allow the tracheostomy to be removed , but time will tell. The battle continues! Yours sincerely , the Diamandiev family!
Documents Total: 1 document
29347.5 BGN Payment of invoice
49.34 BGN Transaction fee

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