Надежда за Гоги Hope for Gogi

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
10901 Donors
233808.37 EUR donated from 204517 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Владимир Диамандиев
Георги Диамандиев - Гоги
End date
Available amount
Владимир Диамандиев organizes a campaign for Георги Диамандиев - Гоги
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

4th January 2023
Здравейте, мили приятели! Нашето силно момче продължава да се бори с коварната си болест! След като го извадиха от интубацията за 5 дни не правеше гърчове, но се възобновиха. Лекарите го държаха на минимални дози от лекарствата му. Но снощи Гоги имаше проблем с дишането и се наложи отново да го поставят под интубация. Очакваме лекарството, за което дават надежди, че може да му потуши гърчовете и да се чувства по-добре. Поради празничните дни, доставката се забави. Днес с най-голямо нетърпение очакваме да доставят лекарството! Молете се приятели за здравето на синът ни! За крехката си възраст той изтърпя много мъки. Време е детето ни отново да се чувства добре и да му се върне усмивката на лицето! Бъдете здрави и благословени! Hello, dear friends! Our strong boy continues to fight his insidious disease! After he was taken off the intubation for 5 days he didn't have seizures, but they have resumed. The doctors kept him on minimal doses of his meds. But last night Goggy had trouble breathing and they had to put him back under intubation. We are awaiting the medication they are hoping can quell his seizures and make him feel better. Due to the holidays, the delivery was delayed. Today we are most looking forward to having the medicine delivered! Pray friends for our son's health! For his tender age, he has endured much torment. It's time for our child to feel well again and get the smile back on his face! Be healthy and blessed!
45080 BGN Payment of invoice
64.99 BGN Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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