Живот за Йовчо Life for Yovcho

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
105 Donors
24032.08 EUR donated from 70149 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Йовчо Милев
End date
Available amount
YOVCHO organizes a campaign for Йовчо Милев
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

27th October 2023
Здравейте, Йовчо вече няколко дни бори пневмонията и за сега състоянието му е стабилно. Лекарите успяха да овладеят инфекцията и скоро се надяваме да излязат чисти резултатите и да чуем датата на трансплантацията. За съжаление отлагането на операцията и допълнителното лечение повишиха сумата, която трябва да се заплати. Още не знаем колко ще е окончателно, но се молим вече да сме на финалната права и скоро да ви зарадваме с хубави новини. Молете се за него, в момента има нужда от много подкрепа и вяра. Hello, Yovcho has been fighting pneumonia for a few days now and his condition is stable. The doctors have managed to control the infection and we hope to get clean results soon and hear the date of the transplant. Unfortunately the postponement of the surgery and the additional treatment have increased the amount to be paid. We don't know how much it will be final yet, but we are praying that we are on the home stretch and will be able to give you good news soon. Pray for him, he needs a lot of support and faith right now.
Documents Total: 1 document
2940 BGN Payment of invoice
40 BGN Transaction fee

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