Живот за Ева Life for Eva

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
5706 Donors
158950.83 EUR donated from 250000 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Румен Трайков
Евдокия Костадинова Трайкова
End date
Available amount
48130.24 EUR
Румен Трайков organizes a campaign for Евдокия Костадинова Трайкова
Available amount
48130.24 EUR

Новини News

7th November 2024

Здравейте, поредната операция мина преди няколко седмици. Сложиха и капак за затваряне на черепа и изчистиха рецидивите. За съжаление Ева се върна в изходно положение и вече трудно ходи сама и  пази равновесия също така  е с влошено психическо  състояния.

Във врорник  пак пристигнахме в  Турция на контролен преглед и ЯМР, за да видим дали всичко е наред и на какво се дължи тази рязка промяна в състоянието и. След резултата от ЯМР-то, който е ок, доктора предложи да и сложи шънт, тръбичка за отвеждане на излишната течност от главата, за да избегнем понататъчни проблеми с налягането в черепа. 

В сряда и сложиха шънта и още същия ден я качиха при нас. Днес Ева е будна през повечето време, една идея по-спокойна е и има апетит.

Подутината която имаше вече е изчезнала. Утре със сестрите ще правим опити да става. По нейни думи се чувства по-добре и не я боли нищо. Радва се и се закача с малката Божодарка, което е добър знак. Дано се подобри и физически.

Hi, another surgery went through a few weeks ago. They also put a lid on to close the skull and cleared the recurrences. Unfortunately Eva is back to baseline and now has difficulty walking on her own and keeping her balance also she is mentally deteriorated.

On Tuesday we arrived back in Turkey for a follow up and MRI to see if all is well and what is causing this sudden change in her condition. After the MRI result, which was ok, the doctor suggested to put a shunt, a tube to drain the excess fluid from her head to avoid postnatal pressure problems in her skull.

They put the shunt in her on Wednesday and she was admitted the same day. Today Eva is awake most of the time, an idea calmer and has an appetite.

The swelling she had is gone now. Tomorrow the nurses and I will try to get her up. According to her she feels better and nothing hurts. She's enjoying herself and hanging out with little Bojodarka, which is a good sign. Hopefully she will improve physically as well.

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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