Живот за Детелин Life for Clover

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
144 Donors
10606.01 EUR donated from 45000 EUR
Милена Михайлова
Детелин Георгиев Пенков
End date
Ends in 300 days
Available amount
1565.54 EUR
Милена Михайлова organizes a campaign for Детелин Георгиев Пенков
Ends in 300 days
Available amount
1565.54 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Payment approved

1st April 2024
Здравейте, Детелин все още е в кома и няма промяна в състоянието му, но тъй като клиничната пътека изтича се налага да бъде изписан от клиниката. За това ще бъдат закупени болнично легло, апаратура и всичко необходимо за да продължи лечението му вкъщи Hello, Detelin is still in a coma and there is no change in his condition, but as the clinical pathway is expiring he needs to be discharged from the clinic. For this a hospital bed, equipment and everything needed to continue his treatment at home will be purchased
Documents Total: 1 document
2196 BGN Payment of invoice
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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