Да помогнем на Софи / Let’s help Sofi ♪ Let's help Sofi ♪

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
87 Donors
24532.76 EUR donated from 25000 EUR
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София Пинто
София Алмеида Пинто
End date
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София Пинто organizes a campaign for София Алмеида Пинто
Available amount

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

2nd July 2024
Здравейте на всички, Благодарение на даренията ви, вече сме планирали да пътуваме следващия понеделник, 8 юли, за операцията в Истанбул. Подготвяме се за пътуването и сме много благодарни за помощта ви. Бих искала да изкажа сърдечни благодарности на всички, които подкрепиха нашата кампания. Специални благодарности на платформата на Павел Андреев, на даренията от кампаниите на Миленка и Рози. Освен това съм дълбоко благодарна на моята братовчедка Джесика и на всички дарители, които помогнаха това да се случи. Вашата доброта направи това възможно, което означава много за нас. Много ви благодарим! София Пинто ——————————————— Hello everyone, Thanks to your generous donations, we already scheduled to travel next Monday July 8th for the operation in Istanbul. We are preparing for the journey and are very grateful for all your help. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign. A special Thank you to the Pavel Andreev platform, the donations from Milenka and Rosis campaigns. Additionally, I am deeply grateful to my cousin Jessica and to everyone who has contributed in any way. Your kindness has made this possible, and we cannot thank you enough for all the help and encouragement we have received. This means the world to us. Thank you so much! Sofia Pinto Hi everyone, Thanks to your donations, we are already planning to travel next Monday, July 8, for the surgery in Istanbul. We are preparing for the trip and are very grateful for your help. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our campaign. Special thanks to Pavel Andreev's platform, to the donations from Milenka and Rosie's campaigns. I am also deeply grateful to my cousin Jessica and all the donors who helped make this happen. Your kindness made this possible, which means a lot to us. Thank you so much! Sofia Pinto --------------- Hello everyone, Thanks to your generous donations, we already scheduled to travel next Monday July 8th for the operation in Istanbul. We are preparing for the journey and are very grateful for all your help. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign. A special thank you to the Pavel Andreev platform, the donations from Milenka and Rosis campaigns. Additionally, I am deeply grateful to my cousin Jessica and to everyone who has contributed in any way. Your kindness has made this possible, and we cannot thank you enough for all the help and encouragement we have received. This means the world to us. Thank you so much! Sofia Pinto
Documents Total: 1 document
22500 EUR Payment of invoice
32.5 EUR Transaction fee

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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