Да помогнем на Мери да спечели битката! Let's help Mary win the battle!

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
138 Donors
2726.81 EUR donated from 25565 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Роси Бенчева
Мариета Николаева Бенчева
End date
Available amount
-0 EUR
Роси Бенчева organizes a campaign for Мариета Николаева Бенчева
Available amount
-0 EUR

Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment

15th July 2022
Здравейте,скъпи дарители и хора с добри сърца,които сте с нас по този труден път. На 1-ви юли се извърши така дълго чаканата трансплантация на мама. В момента се възстановява след натрупаната тежка химия. Платили сме само половината от сумата.Все още не сме превели останалата половина от сумата за трансплантацията. Затова изисквам това плащане. Hello, dear donors and people with good hearts, who are with us on this difficult path. On the 1st of July, Mom's long awaited transplant took place. She is currently recovering from the heavy chemo she has accumulated. We have only paid half of the amount.We have not yet transferred the remaining half of the transplant amount. That is why I am demanding this payment.
3400 BGN Paid amount to the beneficiary
1.2 BGN Transaction fee

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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6 easy ways to make your donation - bank card, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut, IBAN.

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