Да помогнем на Георги Ригов Let's help on Georgi Rigov

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
322 Donors
17153.11 EUR donated from 30678 EUR
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Никола Ригов
Георги Николов Ригов
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Никола Ригов organizes a campaign for Георги Николов Ригов
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Втора вливка в Истанбул 17.11.23г Second inflow to Istanbul 17.11.23

21st November 2023

Скъпи приятели,

На 17.11.2023 г. се върнахме от Турция, където беше направена втората вливка, и получихме втората доза от таргетното лечение. Георги понася трудно процедурата, която го изтощава доста, особено след наскоро претърпяната вирусна инфекция. Но не губим надежда и се молим за скорошно подобрение.

Следващата процедура ще се извърши на 07.12.2023 г., а на 27.12.2023 г. предстои ПЕТ скенера, който ще покаже резултатите от лечението. Благодарим на всички за огромната подкрепа! Ще ви държим в течение.

Бъдете живи и здрави!

Dear friends,

On 11/17/2023, we returned from Turkey where the second infusion was done, and we received the second dose of the targeted treatment. George is having a hard time tolerating the procedure, which is wearing him down quite a bit, especially after the viral infection he recently suffered. But we are not losing hope and are praying for a speedy improvement.

The next procedure will take place on 07.12.2023 and the PET scan is due on 27.12.2023 which will show the results of the treatment. Thank you all for your overwhelming support! We will keep you posted.

Stay alive and well!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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