Articles - 4 steps to organise a virtual food collection
11th December 2022

4 steps to organise a virtual food collection

Volunteering at a food drive is one of the most popular ways to donate during the holiday season and help those who are less fortunate. Below, learn h...

Articles - Top strategies for small business survival
10th December 2022
Top strategies for small business survival

Do you have a restaurant or coffee shop that serves as your home away from home? A bookstore that might as well have your name emblazoned on the armchair? It's not just you: people like to find a place where they feel good, and stick with it. So when your favorite small business is facing closing its doors, it's time to take action. Check out our small business survival strategies. Why are local businesses so important? As of 2016, over 51% of...

Articles - How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations
9th December 2022
How to create a fundraising hashtag that inspires donations

Sharing your fundraising campaign on social media is key to getting the word out about your cause. One key way to raise awareness and sharing is through the use of a fundraising hashtag. With a unique hashtag, social media users can easily follow your story and donate when it resonates with them. These four tips can help you create a hashtag that will attract others to your cause and increase donations. Four tips for creating a winning hashtag...

Articles - 5 myths you need to know about crowdfunding
6th December 2022
5 myths you need to know about crowdfunding

Organizing a charity campaign (crowdfunding) has been around for a long time in different cultures and under different names. In African and Caribbean communities, there are circles for saving money and donations called sou-sou . Temples of worship may start collecting food for victims of an accident. Nowadays, the Internet helps people raise funds for medical care, charities, necessities , training and education, animal rescue , and other cau...

Articles - How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips
4th December 2022

How to write your fundraising story: 12 useful tips

Successful fundraising starts with honest, courageous storytelling - and compelling stories turn passive visitors into active givers and sharers. Does your story prompt people to make donations? Could it be sharper or more compelling? The stronger your story and the more effectively you tell it, the more successful your fundraising will be. Telling an effective story in a fundraising context presents unique challenges. 1. Get inspiration from...

Articles - Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps
13th November 2022

Launching a fundraising campaign? How to ask for donations in 7 easy steps

Most of us have been in a situation where we've had to ask for help. If you've been in that scenario, you can agree that it's a difficult task. People don't want to feel like a burden, and it's easy to experience shame and failure when you think about asking for support. Asking for donations is no different. People often say that the hardest part of crowdfunding is asking for help with money. Asking for donations can be daunting if you've never...

Articles - 5 reasons to donate to charity
8th August 2022

5 reasons to donate to charity

Donating to the causes you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, but can be very rewarding for you too. Millions of people donate regularly to support causes they believe in, as well as for the positive effect it has on their own lives. So why is donating to charity so rewarding? We've taken a closer look at five reasons to donate to your chosen charities. 1. Donating to a charitable cause makes you feel good Donating to cha...

Articles - Definition of donation, why to donate and how to donate
8th August 2022

Definition of donation, why to donate and how to donate

Definition of donation, what is donation and examples The definition of a donation is money or some other thing of value given to a charity or person in need. When you give the sum of 100 leva to a homeless charity, this is an example of a donation of 100 leva. What does donating money mean? To donate means to give something - money, goods or time - to a cause, such as a charity. The word has a more altruistic meaning than simply 'giving'; it...

Articles - Learn how to promote a nonprofit event for maximum success
28th February 2022

Learn how to promote a nonprofit event for maximum success

Is a charity event on the horizon? Whether you've started selling tickets or you're still in the early planning stages, it's a good idea to start thinking about how to get the word out. If your organization isn't sure how to promote a nonprofit event, this guide lists seven ideas to set you on the path to success. How to promote a charity event: Seven tips Figuring out how to start a charity event is just one piece of the puzzle. Much of the ha...

Articles - How to Raise Money for a Film: 5 Film Financing Resources
28th February 2022

How to Raise Money for a Film: 5 Film Financing Resources

Telling a story and bringing it to life is the beauty of filmmaking. However, whether you're looking for funding for your first project or you're a seasoned filmmaker, it can be difficult to secure financing. Not only that, but there are a lot of costs that go into creating a project. Fortunately, there are various ways to get money for your film. Here, we've put together ways on how to raise money for a film without having to take on large amoun...

Articles - How to raise money for a school trip: 8 quick and easy ideas
22nd February 2022

How to raise money for a school trip: 8 quick and easy ideas

The school trip is a fun and educational experience for students. This is how they socialise and make friends. The memories students gain from school trips last a lifetime. Unfortunately, however, school trips can be expensive. The quickest way to raise money for a school trip is to start a fundraising campaign. The money raised can help for purposes ranging from travel, lodging, and food and drinks. Check out our list of school fundraising ideas...

Articles - How do you plan a donation to your cause?
21st February 2022

How do you plan a donation to your cause?

Want to fight for a cause you care about? Whether you want to support a school club or a charitable organization, organizing a fundraiser is effective and fun. Plus, the advantage of donating is the flexibility to share it virtually or in person. Although organizing an in-person donation can be more difficult than a virtual one, an in-person event requires a lot of preparation. With these simple steps, you'll learn how to plan a successful and im...