It's hard to believe that there are people who don't love animals. Sadly,we are witnessing more and more horrible acts of aggression and cruelty towards homeless animals. Even now we have active campaigns on the Pavel Andreev platform to help animals who have suffered aggression and need a significant amount of money to have surgery and restore them to a normal lifestyle.
Recently, more and more people claim to have a great love for animals, but perhaps not all of them can cope with this responsibility of having a pet and unfortunately the percentage of abandoned or dumped dogs or kittens is not decreasing, but even on the contrary.
We at the Pavel Andreev Foundation firmly believe that animals deserve a good life. However, sometimes they need the help of people to get it.
Because of people's love, pets often become real family members . Unfortunately, however, there are not a few cases where things do not turn out positively and some people do not realize what a responsibility it is to have a pet. It is not a game and an animal is not a toy. It takes care and it takes patience to get used to each other. The love you will get and the joy you will get from your relationship is much greater than any trouble a pet will make with your belongings.
Unfortunately, there are still people who can't experience that empathy or that emotional closeness with their pet. It is these animals that come across untruly loving owners that often suffer. They even sometimes end up in shelters or on the streets after they satisfy their owners' whims and no longer need them for one reason or another.
There are so many homeless and suffering animals! It is really hard to help them. Itseems like the most successful option to help the greatest number of animals in need or shelters is to create a donation drive. Fortunately there are many people and organizations that completely volunteer to care for them and rescue them from the streets. If you also love them and want to help them, create a donation campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG or join one already.
On our donation site you can organize campaigns for various causes. We support doing good, so whatever your mission, post it here. Of course, you can also create a campaign to help animals and shelters, or join one already running.
For example, one of the currently active animal donation campaigns is that of the Animal Project. They tell us the story of "Krasi's Forest Tale". A woman with a huge heart named Krasi took up the charitable cause to help all stray animals not only in her region, but all over the country. Her first steps started back in 2015, when she started to place stray animals in her grandmother's house in the village of Palitsi. Over the years, she went through many difficulties and was even "evicted" from the village as her neighbors organized a petition and forced her to move her "shelter" to the forest. This did not deter Krasimira in any way and she continued to develop her work. At the moment she needs the modest sum of 2000 BGN to improve the living conditions for the resident quadrupeds. The funds will be used to purchase building materials, and to pay the workers who will do the job if volunteers do not turn up.
People who love animals and fight for their dignified lives often share a number of qualities. They are generally individuals with great sensitivity, solidarity and a sense of justice. They are noble and compassionate people.
Among those who have no empathy for animals and even abuse them, there is a higher rate of psychological and emotional disorders. They tend to be selfish, narcissistic and overbearing people, with a greater tendency to be violent towards other human beings as well.
As the French writer Anatole France said, "Unless you love an animal, a part of your soul will always remain without light." The emotional bond we establish with these creatures is extremely satisfying and unlike any other.
That is why we should not be indifferent to animals in distress and those who have no home. Whether you join an active donation campaign, create one of your own, or simply feed a homeless animal that lives near you - don't be indifferent and help these defenseless creatures!
Since there are indeed many who feel sympathy for animals, charity campaigns for their benefit usually end in success. Especially when it comes to inhumane treatment and torture of defenceless animals. Unfortunately, there is still much to be desired from the judicial system in Bulgaria regarding the rights of animals and the punishments imposed on their abusers, but this is a very long topic. So if you want to help an animal or support an animal-related initiative, you can do so by fundraising on the pavel andreev website.
What do you need to do to start your donation campaign? It's quite easy and you certainly won't encounter any difficulties. Visit the site, take a look at the active campaigns to get an idea of exactly how things are organized and happen and you can move on to creating your own campaign. You can also take a look at our blog, where you'll find useful tips for creating and organising charity campaigns. Check out these very useful resources:
It's a good idea to think things through beforehand. If you make proper organization, it will be much easier to reach your ultimate goal. Create honest and compelling copy to help potential donors open their hearts and empathize with the story you're telling. Select appropriate images to complement the story as well, and you can consider your mission largely accomplished. So, if you have a desire to help animals and shelters, but realize that your own strength and finances will not be enough - look for supporters onPavelAndreev.ORG.
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