Articles - How much does cat care cost?Crowdfunding (charity fundraising) for cats.
21st March 2021

How much does cat care cost?Crowdfunding (charity fundraising) for cats.

You and your cat share a special bond that is priceless. Most cat owners would agree that owning such a pet is a unique and rewarding experience. This furry friend plays a big role in its owner's life. Yet the costs of keeping a pet cat can be very high and sometimes one even has to seek help to pay for them.

Now, we will take a detailed look at everything it will cost you to raise a pisan on an annual basis, as well as inspire you with some interesting ideas on ways you can easily cover all the costs.

How much does it cost to adopt a cat?

The cost of adopting a cat can vary widely, depending on your location and the location of the cat shelter. Some cat breeds are more in demand, which can also increase the cost of adoption. Most often the fees range from 0 to 200 leva or more. Depending on the specific shelter's policies and rules, other procedures may also be included in the cost:

  • Spaying or neutering
  • Microchipping
  • Routine medical examination
  • Recommended vaccinations and tests
  • Flea treatment or deworming

Of course, if you are willing to pay 2000+ bucks for a cat, it will be pedigreed and have international certifications.

How much does it cost to have a cat?

Although the overall cost of cats is usually lower than that of keeping dogs, caring for your friend can prove to be quite expensive. We will now look at the five main factors that can drive them up.

The average cost of neutering a cat

The average cost of neutering a male cat is 80 leva, and ranges from 50-120 leva. This applies to cases when the procedure is performed in a private veterinary office. The exact price for your cat depends on the sex, size and procedures needed. It is desirable to have domestic cats neutered, otherwise you may harm his health in the future.

Cat costs - Food

The cost of cat food will depend on whether you decide to feed your cat dry food, wet food or a combination of both. Depending on the type and quality of food, expect to pay between 20 and 70 leva per month. You will also need a cat litter tray.

Cost of cat care

Cats are social creatures and need more than food and water. If you won't be home for more than 24-48 hours, you'll need to find a cat sitter. The average cost for such a service is about 5 to 15 leva per day.

Cat vaccination costs

Cats need different vaccines depending on their age, history and health problems, so be sure to check with your vet. The most common cat vaccines and their average costs are listed below:

Rabies: €20

Combination of distemper and parvovirus: 30 leva

Feline leukemia: 30 leva

How much does a vet visit cost for a cat?

The cost of a vet check-up can be a lot, but you shouldn't wait for your pet to get worse, so you should take the time to take him to the vet. A periodic check-up visit, on the other hand, is a preventative measure that will help ensure your cat's good health. The cost of an annual vet visit can range from 100 to 300 leva, depending on your location, the specific vet, pet insurance and what exact tests are needed.

Is it worth getting pet insurance?

Insurance can help you cover vet bills more easily, as well as other medical expenses. However, many insurances have restrictions on what will be covered and what will not. Before you take out any insurance policy, be sure to read the fine print on it carefully as well, so you can do your math better.

Cat insurance costs

The cost of cat insurance varies widely depending on the age of your cat, your location and the type of care you need in the first year. The average monthly cost of insuring your cat is between £10 and £35.

Three ways to offset the cost of your cat

  1. Organisations that help with cat costs

There are many animal welfare organizations that can help you cover the cost of keeping your pets. They provide grants or other types of financial assistance to temporarily cover some basic care costs.

If you are having trouble securing enough funds to care for your pet, there are other specific resources that will help you keep your pet if you are experiencing financial difficulties.

Check out our animal-related articles:

You can see our active campaigns in the Animals category.

Create a quick and easy charity campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.

Take a look at What are the conditions for starting a campaign? and our help center.

  1. Cheap spay/neuter clinics

There are many other options for limiting vet costs offered by animal shelters and clinics.

You can also check with accredited veterinary universities in your area - with many offering spay/neuter at a fairly low cost.

  1. Raise money through cat crowdfunding or charity fundraising to help raise your cat

Fundraising can be a great way to help pay for expensive vet bills. You could take advantage of pet fundraising through crowdfunding and fund much needed medical care for your sick cat. There are lots of fun and unique fundraising ideas, which include holding a pet treat sale or creating a pet photo calendar for an upcoming holiday. Using interesting and high-quality photos, posting fun videos and sharing your cat's story are just a few of the successful pet fundraising tactics.

Successful cat fundraisers

Many people have turned to group charity fundraising to start a successful fundraiser for their cats, including one that aims to cover the cost of emergency surgery. Here's how others are using crowdfunding to offset their expenses.

Check out our article on 5 myths about fundraising(crowdfunding) that you should know.

Operation Beast cat costs

A cat named Beast and his owner, Curtis the stray, were living on the streets when they were attacked. Beast suffered a lot because his leg was broken, and this required emergency expensive surgery - something Curtis couldn't afford. That's when caring neighbor Jennifer started fundraising for donations from friends. Many of them knew Beast from his morning walks to the park, so they were happy to assist. That's how Jennifer was able to reach her goal and raised the sum of $3,975, which proved to be enough for Beast to get the care he needed and get well. Link to the campaign for Beast the cat.

An example of a successful campaign on our platform is Save Flynn's Leg. He needed an arthrodesis to fix his leg in the correct position so he could move again.

Get help with the bigger costs of keeping your cat

Regardless of the reason why you need to, fundraising to help your cats may not be as stressful an experience as you may think.

Crowdfunding or charity fundraising through PavelAndreev.ORG will provide the help you need quickly and easily. I don't charge a fee to use the platform, so you will receive the full amount of the funds raised. Contact me today to start fundraising and rest assured that you will get the help you need.

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