Colon cancer is a disease in which tumor cells in the colon grow uncontrollably. Colon cancer develops from polyps in the inner lining of the colon. It is diagnosed after screening tests that can detect precancerous polyps and thus plan for their removal. Early treatment gives a large number of people a chance to live. Such is accompanied by costly treatment as well as a number of extraordinary or unforeseen expenses. When funds are scarce we can raise them from fundraising campaigns. This is very important because untreated cancer can spread to other areas of the body, and then things reach a fatal end.
Colon cancer is a common disease that in most cases affects the terminal parts of the intestine and manifests with anemia or with blockage. Usually this type of cancer starts as benign polyps on the bowel wall, which gradually increase in size and turn into a malignant tumor. It is important to note that colon cancer detected at an early stage is completely curable.
The risk factors for developing colon cancer are:
-A diet rich in animal fat (e.g. red meat) and low in fibre;
- Cigarette smoking;
- Family history of relatives who have died or are being treated for colon cancer;
- Colon polyps;
Men and women are equally prone to colon cancer, especially after age 40.
Symptoms of a colon problem include:
-Change in normal bowel movement and contents;
- Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, thinning stools, or a feeling that the bowels are not emptying completely and efficiently;
- Abdominal pain, a burning sensation low down, nausea, unusual and sometimes painful noises during bowel movements, blood in the stool or bleeding from the anus.
In the early stages, colon or rectal cancer is asymptomatic. As it develops, the first symptoms begin to show. Among the leading symptoms of colon cancer are:
Blood on passing stool;
Changes in intestinal transit;
Abdominal pain and bloating;
Hemorrhagic anemia with iron deficiency;
Nausea and vomiting;
Abrupt loss of weight, appetite and a strong feeling of faintness.
As with most cancers, treatment for colon cancer is multimodal. All necessary diagnoses are made according to a number of medical guidelines.
Treatment options depend on factors such as the type and stage of cancer, possible side effects and patient preferences, and general health.
Types of colon cancer treatments
Surgical treatment
Treatment can be done through two surgical approaches - standard open surgery or a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure. Both methods are successful in eliminating the cancer cells. However, laparoscopy offers some advantages such as shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, less pain and less visible scarring as smaller incisions are made. In open surgery, a large incision (up to 20-25 cm) is made through the abdominal muscles to provide optimal access to the colon and adjacent structures. The diseased parts of the colon are removed and the remaining ends are stitched together. The abdominal wound is closed with sutures or staples.
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic surgery involves making several small incisions in the patient's abdomen as well as one larger incision from where the excised bowel (usually about 5 cm) is removed. The laparoscope is introduced through one of the small incisions to provide a magnified image of the colon and its surrounding tissues. This image is projected onto a monitor while the specialised instruments are introduced through the other openings to perform the operation. This technique is as effective as open surgery, but with the advantage of faster and easier recovery for the patient.
Despite the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, some patients cannot undergo such surgery. This is most often due to problems such as extreme obesity, previous abdominal surgery or others. In many cases, this type of surgery is costly. The lack of financial resources can be covered through a fundraising campaign.
It is based on the use of X-rays to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy, called chemoradiation therapy, is used alongside radiotherapy and aims to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Side effects of radiotherapy include fatigue, mild skin reactions, upset stomach and loose bowel movements.
Therapies that use medication
Drug-based treatments are used to destroy cancer cells. Medications can be infused into the bloodstream, thus aiming to reach cancer cells throughout the body. When medicine is administered in this way, it is called systemic therapy.
For colon cancer, treatment can be supported by a fundraising campaign on the PavelAndreev.ORG platform. To make this happen, here is how you can proceed:
When one of our loved ones needs urgent and expensive treatment abroad, we often feel powerless and hopeless. How can we find the necessary means to save his life?
One way is to start an online campaign to collect donations from kind people who want to help. PavelAndreev.ORG is a platform that gives us this opportunity. It allows us to create our own campaign, promote it and receive donations through different channels.
The PavelAndreev.ORG platform not only provides the opportunity to organize charity fundraising campaigns, but also with the good reputation it has on the international scene, contributes to each campaign being shared, visible and supported. The platform has thousands of regular donors and countless campaigns that have ended with a happy ending. If your loved one with colon cancer needs funds for treatment, start a donation campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.
Every contribution is important and can make a difference in the lives of those battling this serious disease.
Crowdfunding platforms are online sites that allow individuals and organizations to submit their projects and receive financial support from a large number of donors. These platforms have many advantages. Some of them can be boiled down to the fact that:
They enable innovative ideas that may not have access to traditional funding sources;
Create a community of interested and engaged supporters who can give feedback, share the campaign with their audiences or donate funds;
Offer the opportunity to raise funds through donations to a variety of charitable campaigns;
Therefore, crowdfunding platforms are an effective and modern way to support a variety of causes and initiatives.
They are a method for an easy way to raise funds from a large number of people. These are most often relatives, friends, acquaintances as well as the local community. This form of funding is becoming a major tool for various charitable causes, including fundraising for medical needs.
Crowdfunding platforms, such as PavelAndreev.ORG can also:
- Help people in need to get the help and support they need when they do not have enough financial resources;
- contribute to the creation of a philanthropic community;
- raise awareness and knowledge about different diseases, ways of treatment and necessary prevention;
- stimulate the development of various causes;
A major advantage in launching a campaign through the crowdfunding platform PavelAndreev.ORG is that it is easy to create a campaign and does not take long to get support:
- On the PavelAndreev.ORG platform you can start a campaign in 3 easy steps;
- The donation community created is active and you don't have to wait for a long time to get financial help and support for your cause.
- The platform provides 24/7 support to users;
- You can count on transparency and security of the funds raised.
If you want to help a loved one with colon cancer, start a charity campaign through the PavelAndreev.ORG donation site. Your activity can make a huge difference to the life of the person who is fighting this serious disease. Don't leave things for tomorrow. Start today!
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