Articles - 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️Десет caring ways to help a neighbour in need
24th March 2021

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️Десет caring ways to help a neighbour in need

Being a "good neighbor" is increasingly rare - a 2018 Pew Research survey reveals that most Americans admit to knowing only a few of those who live on their street, while 23% of those under the age of 30 know none. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you know people on your block? Or on your floor? Most likely very few of them. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Studies have shown that micro-interactions increase life satisfaction - meaning that even a kind comment in passing can brighten your day as well as your neighbor's. Each of us can do our part for our neighbor in their time of need, and we need to support each other.

Ten nice things to do for your neighbor

You may not think that when you help others you are helping yourself, but it is true. When people are doing well, the brain releases chemicals that make them feel good, like oxytocin and serotonin. You feel more positive, fulfilled and connected to those around you, and your self-esteem is boosted in the process. If you need some great ideas on how you can help your neighbor, we've compiled a list of ten nice things to do below.

1. Make a home-cooked meal and give it to one of your neighbors

Indulging in a delicious meal that you've prepared yourself is a wonderful act of kindness. A mother with a new baby, an elderly neighbor who is having trouble cooking, a family who is struggling with a medical situation and problem - they will all appreciate your efforts. Plus, it doesn't cost much and the meal can easily be prepared in advance.

2. Give a small surprise gift

Small tokens of appreciation go a long way toward building a friendly relationship with your neighbors. Bake some homemade cookies or simply put all the ingredients in a jar along with a handwritten recipe for an inexpensive but delicious gift. The gift can also be in the form of your time you've given or in the form of help, such as collecting the mail while the neighbors are on vacation, or help with smaller home repairs if you have the skills.

3. Start an online charity fundraiser 

If you know your neighbour is struggling financially, charity fundraising (aka crowdfunding) is one of the best ways to help a family in need. Use the PavelAndreev.ORG fundraising platform, because through it the entire amount raised will go to your neighbour and friend.

Start a campaign on PavelAndreev.ORG.

4. Help anonymously

Sometimes asking for help or offering help is difficult. Through the PavelAndreev.ORG platform it is possible to create your campaign completely anonymously and help a neighbor in need.

5. Start a group to share the journey

One of several excellent ways to help is to start a rideshare group in your area. Consider starting a rideshare group to take kids to and from school or share rides with neighbors who work in the same area or complex. You and your neighbors can save time and money, and avoid depreciation on your vehicles.

6. Organize dates out of the month to take your neighbors' kids and play neighborhood games

If you have children yourself, help take some of the burden off working-parent neighbors by offering to watch their kids for an afternoon. Arranging for your children to play is very helpful because their parents can get a break. Next time, another parent will organize the playtime and you can rest.

7. Partner with organizations in your city

Community organizations are a great way to connect with other people in your town and become more aware of what is going on around you. These groups also empower you to make a difference in the lives of those around you.

8. Start a project

Starting a project is a great way to connect with your neighbors while supporting a cause you all care about. Some ideas for ways you can help your neighborhood of people include working together to expand a local animal shelter, starting a neighborhood garden, or starting a school fundraiser.

9. Talk to the people around you about what they need

In our fast-paced world with busy schedules, we would all like to take the opportunity to slow down and connect with others around us on a personal level. Consider visiting them and just offering to chat. Ask them if there's anything they need - maybe you have an elderly person next door who needs help running errands around the house or a single parent who needs help.

10. Plan a fun event

Fundraising is a fun way to connect with people in your neighborhood while supporting a good cause. Host a barbecue or dance night to benefit a cause, or consider hosting a simple dinner for charity.

You can help your neighbors today

If your neighbors are in a tough situation and need help, you can be a lifeline by starting an online fundraiser for them. By fundraising, you can give hope to one of your neighbors in need and prevent an unfortunate situation from turning into a personal financial crisis. Contact me to talk and set up your campaign now.

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