Помогни на Василка в борбата с МС Help Vasilka in the fight against MS

Ärztliche Behandlung, Medizin und Rehabilitation 0/0

Помогни на Василка в борбата с МС Help Vasilka in the fight against MS

79 Spender:innen
8591.13 EUR gespendet aus 51129 EUR
Vasilka Atanasova
Ende in 108 Tage
Disponible Summe
8591.04 EUR
Vasilka Atanasova ist der/die Organisator:in der Kapmagne
Ende in 108 Tage
Disponible Summe
8591.04 EUR

Здравейте, добри хора.

Аз съм Василка Атанасова, 49-годишна вдовица, която се бори с Множествена Склероза от 19-годишна възраст.

Наскоро, въпреки ежедневните инжекции, болестта се влошава, което води до парализиращи пристъп (атака). Въпреки това има нова надежда във формата на ново лечение - трансплантация на стволови клетки, която предлага 95% шанс за постигане на трайна ремисия. За съжаление цената на това лечение е 50 000 евро.

Вашата подкрепа може да превърне това лечение в реалност. Всяко дарение, независимо от размера му, ме приближава към освобождаването от ежедневните инжекции и възможността да възвърна способността си да ходя отново без помощно средство!

Благодаря ви, че отделихте време да прочетете това и за вашата подкрепа.


Hello, my name is Vasilka Atanasova, a 49-year-old widow who has been battling Multiple Sclerosis since the age of 19.

Recently, despite undergoing daily injection treatments, the disease has progressed, leading to paralyzing relapses. However, there's renewed hope in the form of a new treatment – stem cell transplantation, which offers a remarkable 95% chance of achieving permanent remission. Unfortunately, the cost of this treatment amounts to 50,000 euro.

Your support can make this treatment a reality. Every donation, regardless of size, brings me closer to freedom from daily injections and the opportunity to regain my ability to walk again unaided!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for standing alongside me.

Hello, good people.

I am Vasilka Atanasova, a 49-year-old widow who has been battling Multiple Sclerosis since the age of 19.

Recently, despite daily injections, the disease worsened, leading to a paralyzing attack (seizure). However, there is new hope in the form of a new treatment - a stem cell transplant that offers a 95% chance of achieving a lasting remission. Unfortunately, the cost of this treatment is €50,000.

Your support can make this treatment a reality. Every donation, regardless of size, brings me closer to freedom from daily injections and the possibility of regaining my ability to walk again without an aid!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support.

Hello, my name is Vasilka Atanasova, a 49-year-old widow who has been battling Multiple Sclerosis since the age of 19.

Recently, despite undergoing daily injection treatments, the disease has progressed, leading to crippling relapses. However, there's renewed hope in the form of a new treatment - stem cell transplantation, which offers a remarkable 95% chance of achieving permanent remission. Unfortunately, the cost of this treatment amounts to 50,000 euro.

Your support can make this treatment a reality. Every donation, regardless of size, brings me closer to freedom from daily injections and the opportunity to regain my ability to walk again unaided!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for standing alongside me.

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