Подкрепи младата надежда в шахмата Анджелика Ненова Support the young chess hope Angelika Nenova

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Подкрепи младата надежда в шахмата Анджелика Ненова Support the young chess hope Angelika Nenova

107 Spender:innen
5175.75 EUR gespendet aus 5113 EUR
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Disponible Summe
774.96 EUR
Никола Ненов ist der/die Organisator:in der Kapmagne
Disponible Summe
774.96 EUR

Здравейте Приятели,

Анджелика Ненова е млада българска надежда в шахмата. Тя е само на 13 години, но вече има много участия и спечелени състезания по шахмат, като вече няма конкуренция в своята възрастова група в България и участва наравно при жените, като се представя повече от достойно.

За да продължи да се развива, тя трябва да участва в международни състезания, където се събират всички елитни състезатели на своите страни. Участието в такива състезания е финансово предизвикателство за нас родителите, тъй като нито държавата, нито шахматната федерация имат заделен бюджет за подпомагане на изявени състезатели по шахмат. Един турнир по класически шахмат продължава от 7 до 10 дена, като цената на хотелите варира от около 200 лева на ден с изхранването, трябва да се платят самолетни билети и да се изпрати състезателката с един възрастен придружител, тъй като все още е непълнолетна. Грубо един 10 дневен турнир излиза около 2000-3000 лева, а през една календарна година може да има над 5 силни международни турнира.

Тази кампания залага първоначална цел събирането на 10 000лева за 2024 г. и те ще се изразходват поетапно, в зависимост от това дали могат да се покрият разходите за участието преди всяко конкретно състезание.

Постижения на Анджелика Ненова:


  • 2 място по блиц на държавното индивидуално първенство за жени
  • 20 място на европейското първенство за момичета до 14г. в Мамая, Румъния
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по ускорен шах за момичета до 14г.
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по блиц за момичета до 14г.
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално първенство за девойки до 20г.
  • 7 място на държавното индивидуално първенство за жени
  • 2022г.
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по блиц за момичета до 12г.
  • 2 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по ускорен шах за момичета до 12г.
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално училищно първенство за момичета до 13г.
  • 2021г.
  • 1 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по ускорен шах за момичета до 12г.
  • 2 място на държавното индивидуално първенство по блиц за момичета до 12г.
  • 2020г.
  • 1 място на 45-ти международен турнир „Морско конче“ за момичета до 10г.

Още много успехи в детски шахматни турнири.


English version here:


Hello Friends,

Andzhelika Nenova is a young Bulgarian talent in chess. She is only 13 years old but has already participated in numerous chess events and won competitions. She dominates her age group in Bulgaria and competes equally among women, showcasing remarkable skills. To continue her development, she needs to participate in international competitions where elite players from different countries gather. However, participating in such events poses a financial challenge for her parents, as neither the state nor the chess federation allocates a budget to support promising chess players.

A classical chess tournament typically lasts from 7 to 10 days, with hotel costs ranging around 100 euro per day, including meals. In addition to these expenses, there are plane tickets to be purchased, and Andzhelika must be accompanied by an adult as she is still a minor. Roughly, a 10-day tournament costs around 1000-1500 euro, and in a calendar year, there could be over 5 strong international tournaments. This campaign aims to initially raise 5,000 euro in 2024, and the funds will be spent gradually, depending on whether the costs for each specific competition can be covered before its commencement.

Achievements of Andzhelika Nenova:


- 2nd place in the rapid section of the National Individual Women's Championship

- 20th place in the European Championship for girls under 14 in Mamaia, Romania

- 1st place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 14

- 1st place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 14

- 1st place in the National Individual Championship for girls under 20

- 7th place in the National Individual Women's Championship


- 1st place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 2nd place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 1st place in the National Individual School Championship for girls under 13


- 1st place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 2nd place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 12


- 1st place in the 45th International Tournament "Sea Horse" for girls under 10

Many more successes in children's and open chess tournaments.

Hello Friends,

Angelika Nenova is a young Bulgarian hope in chess. She is only 13 years old, but she has already participated in and won many chess competitions, and she has no competition in her age group in Bulgaria and she participates equally in women's chess, performing more than worthy.

To continue to develop, she needs to participate in international competitions where all the elite players of their countries gather. Participation in such competitions is a financial challenge for us parents, as neither the state nor the chess federation have a budget set aside to support outstanding chess players. A classical chess tournament lasts from 7 to 10 days and the cost of hotels ranges from about 200 leva per day with meals, air tickets have to be paid and the competitor has to be sent with an adult chaperone as she is still a minor. Roughly a 10 day tournament comes out to about 2000-3000 BGN, and there can be over 5 strong international tournaments in a calendar year.

This campaign sets an initial target of raising10,000leva for 2024 and this will be spent in stages depending on whether the costs of participation can be covered before each specific competition.

Achievements of Angelika Nenova:


  • 2nd place in Blitz at the Women's State Individual Championships
  • 20th place at the European Girls U14 Championships in Mamaia, Romania
  • 1st place at the state individual championship in speed chess for girls up to 14 years.
  • 1 place at the State Individual Blitz Championship for girls under 14.
  • 1st place at the State Individual Blitz Championship for Girls U20.
  • 7th place at the State Individual Championship for Women
  • 2022г.
  • 1 place at the State Individual Blitz Championships for Girls 12 and under.
  • 2nd place at the state individual championship in rapid chess for girls up to 12 years.
  • 1st place at the State Individual School Championships for Girls 13 and under.
  • 2021г.
  • 1 place at the state individual championship in accelerated chess for girls up to 12 years.
  • 2nd place at the state individual blitz championship for girls under 12.
  • 2020г.
  • 1st place at the 45th International Tournament "Seahorse" for girls up to 10 years.

Many more successes in children's chess tournaments.

English version here:

Hello Friends,

Andzhelika Nenova is a young Bulgarian talent in chess. She is only 13 years old but has already participated in numerous chess events and won competitions. She dominates her age group in Bulgaria and competes equally among women, showcasing remarkable skills. To continue her development, she needs to participate in international competitions where elite players from different countries gather. However, participating in such events poses a financial challenge for her parents, as neither the state nor the chess federation allocates a budget to support promising chess players.

A classical chess tournament typically lasts from 7 to 10 days, with hotel costs ranging around 100 euro per day, including meals. In addition to these expenses, there are plane tickets to be purchased, and Andzhelika must be accompanied by an adult as she is still a minor. Roughly, a 10-day tournament costs around 1000-1500 euro, and in a calendar year, there could be over 5 strong international tournaments. This campaign aims to initially raise 5,000 euro in 2024, and the funds will be spent gradually, depending on whether the costs for each specific competition can be covered before its commencement.

Achievements of Andzhelika Nenova:


- 2nd place in the rapid section of the National Individual Women's Championship

- 20th place in the European Championship for girls under 14 in Mamaia, Romania

- 1st place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 14

- 1st place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 14

- 1st place in the National Individual Championship for girls under 20

- 7th place in the National Individual Women's Championship


- 1st place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 2nd place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 1st place in the National Individual School Championship for girls under 13


- 1st place in the National Individual Rapid Chess Championship for girls under 12

- 2nd place in the National Individual Blitz Chess Championship for girls under 12


- 1st place in the 45th International Tournament "Sea Horse" for girls under 10

Many more successes in children's and open chess tournaments.

Mehr sehen
30. August 2024
Никола Ненов
Одобрено изплащане Approved repayment
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Никола Ненов
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