Археолошки истражувања на локалитети во Македонија Archaeological investigations of localities in Macedonia

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Археолошки истражувања на локалитети во Македонија Archaeological investigations of localities in Macedonia

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Центар за археолошки истражувања Скопје
Date de clôture
Fin après 292 jours
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Центар за археолошки истражувања Скопје est l'organisateur de la campagne
Fin après 292 jours
Montant disponible

Кампањата Археолошките истражувања на локалитети во Македонија, претставува акција да се помогне на локалните човечки / општински заедници, во осознавањето на нивното археолошкото наследство, кое што општинските управни органи ќе можат правилно да го вградуваат во рамките на сопствениот културно-археолошки туристички развој.

Археолошкиот тим е составен од три универзитетски професори доктори по археолошките науки, еден доктор на археолошките науки и еден магистер по археологија и еден кандидат магистер по археологија.

Планираме во зависност од собраните финансиски средства, да истражуваме непосетени археолошки локалитети на ниво на Македонија. Освен тоа предвидуваме и посети заради доистражувања на локалитети за чија датација нема јасна информација.

Изработуваме геореференцирани планови на локалитетите, фотографии, и селектираме движни археолошки наоди, и други технички спецификации

Целокупната сума на финансиската подршка е предвидена наменски исклучиво за теренските археолошки истражувања.


The campaign Archaeological Explorations of Ancient Fortresses in Macedonia is an action to help local human / municipal communities in understanding their ancient archaeological civilizational heritage, which municipal administrative bodies will be able to properly incorporate within the framework of their own cultural and archaeological tourism development.

The archaeological team is composed of five doctors of archaeological sciences, four of whom are university professors, three masters of archaeology and one candidate master of archaeology.

Depending on the collected financial resources, we plan to explore and document unvisited ancient and medieval fortresses on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. In addition, we also plan visits for the purpose of further research of sites for which there is no clear information on their dating.

We prepare georeferenced plans of the sites, photographs, and select movable archaeological finds, and other technical specifications.

We are preparing the latest archaeological map of old cities and fortresses, for the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, with about 800 ancient and medieval civilization points.

The entire amount of financial support is intended exclusively for field archaeological research in 2025.

The Archaeological Heritage Campaign of localities in Macedonia, represents an action to help local people / Opština employees, in the awareness of the low archaeological heritage, which the Opština authorities can properly integrate it in the framework of the cultural and archaeological tourism development.

The archaeological team is composed of three university professors with PhDs in archaeological sciences, one PhD in archaeological sciences and one MA in archaeology and one PhD candidate in archaeology.

Depending on the funds collected, we plan to investigate unvisited archaeological sites at the Macedonian level. In addition, we foresee visits for the restoration of localities for which no information is available.

We produce georeferenced plans of the localities, photographs, and select moving archaeological finds, and other technical specifications

The entire amount of the financial support is earmarked for the Teren archaeological sites.


The campaign Archaeological Explorations of Ancient Fortresses in Macedonia is an action to help local human / municipal communities in understanding their ancient archaeological civilizational heritage, which municipal administrative bodies will be able to properly incorporate within the framework of their own cultural and archaeological tourism development.

The archaeological team is composed of five doctors of archaeological sciences, four of whom are university professors, three masters of archaeology and one candidate master of archaeology.

Depending on the collected financial resources, we plan to explore and document unvisited ancient and medieval fortresses on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. In addition, we also plan visits for the purpose of further research of sites for which there is no clear information on their dating.

We prepare georeferenced plans of the sites, photographs, and select movable archaeological finds, and other technical specifications.

We are preparing the latest archaeological map of old cities and fortresses, for the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, with about 800 ancient and medieval civilization points.

The entire amount of financial support is intended exclusively for field archaeological research in 2025.

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