Заедно за Мирослав Together for Miroslav

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
11 Donors
2449.54 EUR donated from 50000 EUR
Гергана Иванова
Мирослав Петков
End date
Ends in 23 days
Available amount
2449.54 EUR
Гергана Иванова organizes a campaign for Мирослав Петков
Ends in 23 days
Available amount
2449.54 EUR

Заедно за Мирослав Together for Miroslav

2nd December 2024

В деня на рождения ден на Мирослав, персонала от турската клиника Анадолу го поздравява за неговият празник. До събирането на нужната сума за неговото лечение остава още много.

Мирослав все още се бори с всичките си сили, за да пребори рака на дебелото черво. Нека покажем, че заедно можем повече и да му помогнем да оздравее и да прекарва рожденните си дни вкъщи здрав, със своето семейство! 

On the day of Miroslav's birthday, the staff from Anadolu Clinic Turkey congratulated him on his birthday. There is still a long way to go to raise the money needed for his treatment.

Miroslav is still fighting with all his strength to beat colon cancer. Let's show that together we can do more and help him get better and spend his birthday at home healthy, with his family!

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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