A chance for little Ivko A chance for little Ivko

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A chance for little Ivko A chance for little Ivko

6581 Donors
30391.38 EUR donated from 552195 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Нели Ненова
Ивайло Христов Йорданов
End date
Available amount
-0.01 EUR
Нели Ненова organizes a campaign for Ивайло Христов Йорданов
Available amount
-0.01 EUR

„Аз съм Ивко и съм на годинка и девет месеца и се усмихвах, играех, скачах и шетах....не подозирах... смело пристъпвах и се радвах на трамвая, на мотора, на багера... още им се радвам...“

21.03.2024 г. е датата, на която Ивко беше диагностициран с хидроцефалия и тумор на малкия мозък...дата, която ни беляза...

За последните две седмици Ивко претърпя две мозъчни операции- едната спешна и животоспасяваща за поставяне на шънтова система, заради хидроцефалията, а само 5 дни по-късно беше извършена още една операция за частично отстраняване на агресивния тумор в малкия мозък... Има разсейки и в гръбначния мозък...

НАДЕЖДАТА ЗА ИВКО Е ДА МОЖЕ ДА СЕ СПРЕ ТОЗИ КОВАРЕН ПРОЦЕС С ПРОТОН ТЕРАПИЯ в някоя от клиникиките в Западна Европа (Германия, Италия, Чехия или Испания), тъй като в България няма такава на този етап. Лъчетерапия и химиотерапия не са препоръчителни за деца в тази възраст, за да се избегне увреждане на здравите тъкани в тялото.

Имаме от 4 до 6 седмици след отстраняването на тумора, за да започнем с протон терапията. Една седмица вече измина и се надяваме възможно най-бързо да получим офертите от съответните клиники и по-нататъчните стъпки за рехабилитация, които трябва да се предприемат, за да се борим с това тежко заболяване...и Ивко да продължи да свети и озарява дома ни със своята усмивка...

Моля Ви, добри хора, подкрепете ни и дарете живот на Ивко.


'My name is Ivko and I am 1 year and 9 months old. I used to smile, play, jump and stride along and I couldn’t even suspect what was to come. I took every step every step full of confidence and loved watching the trams, the bikes, the diggers… I still do.' 


On the 21st of March 2024 Ivko was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus and Medulloblastoma in the cerebellum – a day that turned our lives around. 

In the past 2 weeks Ivko underwent 2 brain surgeries. The first was an emergency operation to install a shunt system to help with the Hydrocephalus, which could be fatal. Just 5 days later a second surgery was performed to partially remove the aggressive tumor in the cerebellum. Unfortunately, there are spinal methastases.

THERE WAS A GLIMER OF HOPE IN PROTON THERAPY WHICH COULD STOP THE PROGRESS OF THE DISEASE without damaging adjacent healthy tissue. Since this treatment is not available in Bulgaria, we have contacted clinics across Europe, that do offer it.

However, their opinion is that proton therapy cannot be applied to the whole Central Nervous System of children under the age of 3 and they refused treatment. Now there is a chance with the use of chemotherapy and stem cell therapy in either Germany, Spain or Turkey. We are exploring all available options. 

Time is limited.

We have 4 to 6 weeks after the tumor is removed to start treatment. Two weeks already passed… New we are praying to receive quotes from the clinics and hospitals sooner, so we can start the treatment, that is most appropriate for him and fight this devastating condition…

We are praying to see him well and have his beaming smile shine in our home once more.

"I'm Ivko and I'm one year and nine months old and I was smiling, playing, jumping and shuffling.... not suspecting... bravely stepping and enjoying the tram, the bike, the excavator... still enjoying them..."

March 21, 2024 is the date Ivko was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and a cerebellar tumor...a date that marked us...

In the last two weeks, Ivko has undergone two brain surgeries- one emergency and life-saving to insert a shunt system because of the hydrocephalus, and just 5 days later another surgery was performed to partially remove the aggressive tumor in the cerebellum... There are also scatterings in the spinal cord...

HOPE FOR IVKO IS THAT HE CAN STOP THIS CIVAROUS PROCESS WITH PROTON THERAPY in one of the clinics in Western Europe (Germany, Italy, Czech Republic or Spain), as there is none in Bulgaria at this stage. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are not recommended for children at this age to avoid damage to healthy tissues in the body.

We have 4 to 6 weeks after the removal of the tumor to start the proton therapy. One week has already passed and we hope to get the offers from the respective clinics as soon as possible and the further rehabilitation steps that need to be taken to fight this serious disease...and for Ivko to continue to light up and brighten our home with his smile...

Please, kind people, support us and give Ivko life.

'My name is Ivko and I am 1 year and 9 months old. I used to smile, play, jump and stride along and I couldn't even suspect what was to come. I took every step full of confidence and loved watching the trams, the bikes, the diggers... I still do.'

On the 21st of March 2024 Ivko was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus and Medulloblastoma in the cerebellum - a day that turned our lives around.

In the past 2 weeks Ivko underwent 2 brain surgeries. The first was an emergency operation to install a shunt system to help with the Hydrocephalus, which could be fatal. Just 5 days later a second surgery was performed to partially remove the aggressive tumour in the cerebellum. Unfortunately, there are spinal methastases.

THERE WAS A GLIMER OF HOPE IN PROTON THERAPY WHICH COULD STOP THE PROGRESS OF THE DISEASE without damaging adjacent healthy tissue. Since this treatment is not available in Bulgaria, we have contacted clinics across Europe, that do offer it.

However, their opinion is that proton therapy cannot be applied to the whole Central Nervous System of children under the age of 3 and they refused treatment. Now there is a chance with the use of chemotherapy and stem cell therapy in either Germany, Spain or Turkey. We are exploring all available options.

Time is limited.

We have 4 to 6 weeks after the tumor is removed to start treatment. Two weeks already passed... New we are praying to receive quotes from the clinics and hospitals sooner, so we can start the treatment, that is most appropriate for him and fight this devastating condition...

We are praying to see him well and have his beaming smile shine in our home once more.

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30th July 2024
Нели Ненова organizes a campaign for Ивайло Христов Йорданов
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Шанс за малкия Ивко" към кампания "Надежда за Станимир". Прехвърлена сума: 1392.37EUR Donation from the "Chance for little Ivko" campaign to the "Hope for Stanimir" campaign. Amount transferred.
30th July 2024
Нели Ненова organizes a campaign for Ивайло Христов Йорданов
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Шанс за малкия Ивко" към кампания "Ново сърце за малката Памела". Прехвърлена сума: 1392EUR Donation of funds from the "Chance for little Ivko" campaign to the "New heart for little Pamela" campaign. Amount transferred.
30th July 2024
Нели Ненова organizes a campaign for Ивайло Христов Йорданов
Трансфер на средства Transfer of funds
Дарение на средства от кампания "Шанс за малкия Ивко" към кампания "Живот за Мишо". Прехвърлена сума: 1392EUR Donation of funds from the "Chance for little Ivko" campaign to the "Life for Misho" campaign. Amount transferred.
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