This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This fund is designed for donors who wish to contribute but are unable to select a specific campaign. It operates through monthly subscription donations via card, PayPal, or one-time contributions via IBAN. The fund supports the medical treatment of children under 18 years of age who are battling cancer or require a kidney, liver, or heart transplant.
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
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За жалост кампанията за създаването на филм за Съединението към настоящия момент е неуспешна, тъй като събраната сума е крайно недостатъчна. Не се отказваме от филма и той ще бъде отложен за дни, в които ще бъдем по-подготвени. Благодарим за направеното дарение в размер на 28.98 лева. Въпреки че парите няма да отидат за създаването на филм, гарантирам от името на цялата организация, че ще отидат за друга общественополезна кауза, защото всичките средства, които успеем да съберем, се разходват за благотворителни, доброволчески и културни инициативи. Нашето Сдружение не разпределя печалба, защото юридически е организация с Идеална цел - така наречените "Сдружение с нестопанска цел". Благодарим отново за подкрепата.
Иван Балабанов - Председател на Сдружение "СЪЕДИНЕНИЕТО ПРАВИ СИЛАТА"Unfortunately, the campaign for the production of a film about the Unification is unsuccessful at the moment, as the amount raised is extremely insufficient. We are not giving up on the film and it will be postponed for days when we will be more prepared. We are grateful for the donation of 28.98 BGN. Although the money will not go towards the making of the film, I guarantee on behalf of the whole organisation that it will go towards another socially beneficial cause because all the money we manage to raise is spent on charitable, voluntary and cultural initiatives. Our Association does not distribute profit because legally it is a Non-Profit Organisation - so called. Greetings, Ivan Balabanov - Chairman of the Association "UNITY MAKES THE POWER"
27.78 BGN
Paid amount to the beneficiary
1.2 BGN
Transaction fee
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PavelAndreev.ORG is funded and maintained by the amount that each donor allocates for the platform, not with part of the donations for the beneficiaries. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We noticed that you had entered an amount for the platform that is higher than the amount for the donation to the beneficiary. Donation is an emotional act and if it is incorrect, please change the amount before continuing.
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