Нека помогнем на Наско да спаси зрението си СПЕШНО Let's help Nasko to save his vision URGENTLY

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
147 Donors
6826.83 EUR donated from 24542 EUR
Galina Georgieva
Атанас Иванов Маринов
End date
Ends in 22 days
Available amount
690.67 EUR
Galina Georgieva organizes a campaign for Атанас Иванов Маринов
Ends in 22 days
Available amount
690.67 EUR

Първата операция на Наско мина Nasko's first surgery went

3rd December 2023

Здравейте скъпи дарители. Почти две седмици минаха след операцията на първото око на Наско. Той се чувства все по-добре, но за съжаление все още не вижда. Докторът каза, че ще отнеме време. След три месеца сме на контролен преглед и се надяваме до тогава да няма усложнения. Междувременно продължава събирането на сумата необходма за втората операция. Молим ви отново да ни подкрепите и да сте до нас в битката с това коварно заболяване!!!

Hello dear donors. Almost two weeks have passed since the surgery of Nasko's first eye. He is feeling better, but unfortunately he still cannot see. The doctor said it will take time. We are due for a follow-up in three months and hopefully there will be no complications by then. In the meantime we continue to raise the amount of money needed for the second operation. Please support us again and stand by us in the battle with this insidious disease!!!

Strict rules for paying out the donated funds

The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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