Life for Mama Pavlinka Angel with folded wings Life for Mama Pavlina Angel with folded wings

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 1/13

Life for Mama Pavlinka Angel with folded wings Life for Mama Pavlina Angel with folded wings

728 Donors
26202.12 EUR donated from 40000 EUR
Павлинка Синадиновска
End date
Ends in 1 days
Available amount
7943.89 EUR
Павлинка Синадиновска is the organiser of the campaign
Ends in 1 days
Available amount
7943.89 EUR
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30th December 2024
Павлинка Синадиновска
Одобрена исплата на MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI AS Repayment to MLP SAGLIK HIZMETLERI AS approved
Почитувани познати и непознати ви благодарам за помошта и подршката. Ви благодарам што сите заедно ми ја исполнивте роденденската желба. Фондација П... Dear friends and strangers, thank you for your help and support. Thank you for fulfilling my birthday together. I thank you for your support and help...
18230 EUR Payment of invoice
28.23 EUR Transaction fee
21st December 2024
Павлинка Синадиновска
Денес го славам мојот роденден Denes go glory myjot rodenen.
Драги мои познати и непознатиДенес го славам мојот роденден со една посебна желба која ја споделувам со вас. Мојата најголема желба е да ја добијам ва... My dear friends and strangersToday I celebrate my birthday with a birthday message which I share with you. It is my greatest wish to receive your supp...
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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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