Да помогнем на Ради да си служи с ръчичките Let's help Radie to use his hands

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
406 Donors
37925.29 EUR donated from 33000 EUR
This campaign is over. Follow the News section to be informed about the news about it and the transactions (if they are missing, it means that the campaign has not yet been paid out).
Нели Николова
Радослав Георгиев Божилов
End date
Available amount
6216.69 EUR
Нели Николова organizes a campaign for Радослав Георгиев Божилов
Available amount
6216.69 EUR

Моля помогнете ни! Помогнете на Ради да използва ръчичките си! Please help us! Help Radi to use his hands!

19th July 2024
Мили и сърдечни Дарители, Помогнете на Ради. Той има нужда от вашата помощ и подкрепа! Вие сте неговата единствена Надежда да доведе битката до край и да бъде самостоятелен. Вчера му смениха гипса с шина,а титаниевата пластина ще носи година / Тя ще държи костите в правилната посока/. Скоро му предстои операция и на лявата ръка. Скъпи приятели, никой родител не трябва да се чувства безпомощен и безсилен. Никой родител не трябва да гледа как детето му страда, а той не може да го спаси! Затова Ви моля от цялото си сърце,от цялата си душа, помогнете ни ! Помогнете на Ради да оздравее. Благодаря Ви добри хора! Dear and heartfelt Donors, Help Radie. He needs your help and support! You are his only Hope to bring the battle to an end and to be independent. Yesterday they changed his cast with a splint,and the titanium plate he will wear for a year/ It will hold the bones in the right direction/. Soon he will have surgery on his left arm too. Dear friends, no parent should feel helpless and powerless. No parent should have to watch his child suffer and he can't save him! So I ask you from the bottom of my heart,from the bottom of my soul, help us ! Thank you good people!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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