Да помогнем на един БАЩА To help a FATHER

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
102 Donors
3620.73 EUR donated from 25835 EUR
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Анатолий Димитров Илиев
End date
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-0 EUR
Снежана organizes a campaign for Анатолий Димитров Илиев
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-0 EUR

Новини за Анатолий News for Anatoly

5th April 2023

   Здравейте, мили дарители!

Втората операция в клиника Анадолу премина успешно, но при премахване на туморното образование е засегнат пикочният тръбопровод и това доведе до още една операция. Анатолий в момента е с дренаж и се лекува с антибиотици. Докато организмът не се пребори с инфекцията, не може да продължи лечението, което е шест курса химиотерапия. Вярваме, че с божията помощ и вашата подкрепа ще успеем да завършим успешно лечението.

Вашата помощ е безценна! Благодарим ВИ!

Hello, dear donors!

The second surgery at Anadolu Clinic was successful, but the removal of the tumor affected the urinary tract and led to another surgery. Anatoly is currently having a drain and is being treated with antibiotics. Until the body fights off the infection, he cannot continue treatment, which is six courses of chemotherapy. We believe that with God's help and your support we will be able to complete the treatment successfully.

Your help is invaluable! Thank YOU!

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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