Да помогнем на Андрей Yes, we'll help on Andrei.

Treatment, Medicine and Rehabilitation 0/0
72 Donors
9970.08 EUR donated from 9970 EUR
Величка Тахтаджиева
Андрей Слипенко
End date
Ends in 79 days
Available amount
2537.55 EUR
Величка Тахтаджиева organizes a campaign for Андрей Слипенко
Ends in 79 days
Available amount
2537.55 EUR

Лечение 24.11.23г Treatment 24.11.23

23rd November 2023

Здравейте приятели! Андрей е все още в Турция където протича първият етап от лечението му.Минаха 18 лъчетерапии от 30, като всеки ден приема и химиотерапия на хапчета.Пътят по който трябва да извърви Андрей не е лесен ,но той е силен и не се отказва! Химиотерапията и лъчетерапията оказват своето влияние,има слабост и неразположение,но всичко това се очакваше.Всяка седмица му правят кръвни изследвания, засега резултатите са добри.🙏Продължаваме напред! ✊ Благодарим ви ,че давате шанс на Андрей да се лекува!🙏

Hello friends! Andrey is still in Turkey where the first stage of his treatment is going on.He has had 18 radiotherapy treatments out of 30, and he is taking chemotherapy pills every day.The road Andrey has to walk is not easy, but he is strong and he is not giving up! Chemotherapy and radiotherapy have their effects,he has weakness and sickness,but all this was expected.Every week he has blood tests,so far the results are good.🙏We are moving forward! ✊ Thank you for giving Andrei a chance to heal!🙏

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The PavelAndreev.ORG platform has clearly outlined rules for paying out the donated funds for medical campaigns. They guarantee that all the funds will be used for the respective treatment and related costs. All documents used for payment can be found in the News section.

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