Ajutor pentru Gigi Help for Gigi

Family 1/2

Ajutor pentru Gigi Help for Gigi

0 Donors
0 EUR donated from 2500 EUR
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Gigi Ursaru
End date
Available amount
Gigi Ursaru is the organiser of the campaign
Available amount

Buna ziua ma numesc Gigi am 55 de ani sunt din iasi tomesti am fost dianosticat cu cancer de prostata am sonda urinara de doua luni nu pot sa ma intretin cu mancarea cu platile de curent si gaz.

Sunt beneficiar de ajutor social am depus dosarul de 3 saptamani imi este foarte greu si nu stiu unde sa ma duc vreu doar sa muncesc da boala de prostat nu imi da voie sa ma intretin as vrea sa muncesc si asa cat pot da nu vrea nimeni sa imi dea un loc de munca as vrea un loc de munca si temporar sa pot trece peste aceasta perioada grea nu stiu ce sa fac si unde sa ma duc am doar ganduri negre nu va suparati as vrea doar sa muncesc pot sa stau in picioare si sa muncesc.

Vă rog să mă ajutați!

Hello my name is Gigi I am 55 years old I am from iasi tomesti I was diagnosed with prostate cancer I have urinary catheter for two months I can not support myself with food with electricity and gas payments.

I am a beneficiary of social assistance I submitted my application for 3 weeks it is very difficult and I do not know where to go I just want to work but prostate disease does not allow me to support myself I would like to work and so as much as I can but no one wants to give me a job I would like a job and temporarily to be able to get through this difficult period I do not know what to do and where to go I just have black thoughts do not get upset I just want to work I can stand up and work.

Please help me!

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