Articles - How to raise funds for a yoga retreat?
17th July 2024

How to raise funds for a yoga retreat?

The yoga retreat is extremely suitable when people want to escape from the busy everyday life and need to spend quality time for themselves through va...

Articles - Everything you need to know about yoga for children
16th July 2024
Everything you need to know about yoga for children

Yoga continues to gain more recognition around the world. This is due to the fact that yoga combines not only physical but also psychological benefits. Its practice can increase a person's physical energy level as well as improve strength and flexibility. In addition, the regular practice of yoga clears the mind, contributes to better stress management, and frees the body from any toxins and unnecessary substances that interfere with its function...

Articles - Turn the dream of owning your own yoga center into reality
15th July 2024
Turn the dream of owning your own yoga center into reality

Many times we have heard how yoga teachers dream of one day creating their own yoga center. As much as we would like to, we are not magicians. We can't wave a magic wand and make this dream a reality. Yet we know how we can help, so we always tell them the same thing: dreams do come true. It may sound trivial, but that's not why we say it. How much does it cost to set up a yoga centre? Starting your own yoga center is an exciting venture that...

Articles - Why are online donations an increasingly preferred way to support a cause?
11th July 2024
Why are online donations an increasingly preferred way to support a cause?

The dynamic lifestyles, the constant development of technology and the sense of insecurity we experienced during the pandemic seemed to contribute to being more open and empathetic towards others. Increasingly, we are reaching for all those quick and easy tools that not only make our daily lives easier, but also help us get involved in different causes. And why not create some ourselves to help. Whether we want to support a friend in need, whethe...

Articles - Social anxiety: causes, symptoms and ways to support
10th July 2024

Social anxiety: causes, symptoms and ways to support

Social anxiety is one of the most common deviations on the spectrum of anxiety disorders. It often manifests in adolescence, when young people begin to face new social challenges and expectations. However, anxiety can manifest at any time in a person's life, affecting both children and adults. According to various studies, about 7% to 12% of people worldwide experience this condition at some point in their lives. This makes the syndrome one of t...

Articles - What is mental health?
9th July 2024

What is mental health?

To help ourselves and others In today's world of stress, rapid change and high expectations, mental health is crucial to our sense of happiness and well-being. It encompasses our emotional, psychological and social state and influences the way we think, feel and act. Mental wellbeing plays a key role in our ability to cope with everyday stresses, maintain good relationships with others and make positive choices in our lives. What are the conseq...

Articles - Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Characteristics, causes and how to help
8th July 2024

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Characteristics, causes and how to help

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide. About 2-3% of the world's population suffers from this disorder, or put another way, that's millions of people who struggle daily with symptoms such as intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions. This mental illness has a significant impact on quality of life, causing significant difficulties in social, professional and personal life. The social significance...

Articles - Narcistic Psychotic Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment and How We Can Help You
5th July 2024

Narcistic Psychotic Disorder: Symptoms, Treatment and How We Can Help You

Mental health is increasingly important in society, and interest in this topic is growing significantly. Mental illness affects a huge number of people worldwide. One of the lesser known illnesses affecting mental health is narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition that often goes undiagnosed, and this leads to even greater suffering for those affected. People with this mental condition have great diffic...

Articles - The best ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with mental health conditions
3rd July 2024

The best ideas for fundraising campaigns to support organisations working with people with mental health conditions

Mental health problems affect millions of people around the world, regardless of their age, gender or social status. They include a wide range of conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and many others. These problems can seriously affect the daily lives of people who suffer from them. They can cause difficulties in interpersonal interactions, create problems in the workplace and reduce overall quality of life .Alt...

Articles - Crowdfunding as a solution for financial help for people suffering from borderline personality disorder
2nd July 2024

Crowdfunding as a solution for financial help for people suffering from borderline personality disorder

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of everyone's overall well-being, but its importance is often overlooked. Mental health problems are increasingly common in the modern world. Statistics show that one in four people experience some kind of mental disorder in their lifetime. Among the most serious and challenging conditions to manage is borderline personality disorder. This mental disorder is characterised by intense emotional instability, im...

Articles - What are serious mental illnesses and how to help people who suffer from them
28th June 2024

What are serious mental illnesses and how to help people who suffer from them

Most people think that the leading diseases worldwide are cancer or cardiovascular disease. Turns out, it's neither. In fact, the most prevalent diseases are mental ones. Many of them begin to manifest in early childhood. Among the reasons for underestimating the first signs of mental illness is a lack of knowledge about the characteristic symptoms of these mental illnesses. Early signs such as mood swings, difficulty concentrating, feelings of...

Articles - What is mental burnout and how to deal with it?
26th June 2024

What is mental burnout and how to deal with it?

Mental burnout is a global problem that affects millions of people around the world. A 2020 study by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) shows that 23% of workers are at risk of burnout. In Japan, the phenomenon of 'karoshi' (death from overwork) highlights the seriousness of the problem of mental burnout, with many deaths linked to excessive stress at work. According to the World Health Organ...